MovieChat Forums > P2 (2007) Discussion > Shut up! Who cares if she killed the dog...

Shut up! Who cares if she killed the dog!

She was trying to save herself from being killed obviously and she didn't have much of a choice! What would you have done sacrificed yourself for the dog? C'mon guys be logical!



Actually it has nothing to do with misogyny, as people would react the same way if it had been a man, but if you want to hijack the topic for your own agenda that's your own irrationality kicking in. There was a man who i read about that was arrested for killing several cats, and of course people online were insulting him, wishing death on him etc. It's animal abusers they hate.



I didn't advocate against people defending themselves against anything. I was referring to your silly generalization about 'misogynists' caring about an animal more than women, which has nothing to do with anything, other than you straw manning. My point is that a man or a woman would be slandered and insulted for killing an animal. Even a dangerous one. I read about a father who shot a mountain lion who attacked his child, and people were still outraged.


As much as I love animals, I can't sympathize with a rabid dog who's trying to kill the main character. I would have acted similarly in that situation.


And yet, a man shot a mountain lion who attacked his kid, and people still insulted him and felt sorry for the killer cat.



I'd kill Rocky just to piss off crybaby Thomas off.

People that cry about an animal dying is hilarious.



Humans are animals.


Society is rotten, a dog is more valuable than a human living. I'm glad the dog died.


I have a hunch some of these same people root for Cujo in the Stephen King movie
