MovieChat Forums > P2 (2007) Discussion > Shut up! Who cares if she killed the dog...

Shut up! Who cares if she killed the dog!

She was trying to save herself from being killed obviously and she didn't have much of a choice! What would you have done sacrificed yourself for the dog? C'mon guys be logical!


Most human beings would probably think a lot differently if their lives actually *were* in danger from the dog. Some sort of survival instinct would kick in, although I guess there are still enough people out there who are extremely stupid. As much as I love dogs, I'd have to do the same thing. It'd be "So long, Fido!"

Does this happen every time a dog dies in a movie, people have to get bent out of shape about it? For Gods' sake.

Besides, given what kind of movie this is, I knew the dog was a goner as soon as it made an appearance.


I agree. And that was the best part of the film (in your face, dog lovers!).

We all live in suspense from day to day; you are the hero of your own story.


I have about the same sympathy for the dog as the dog had for the girl it was trying to maul and kill.


I totally agree. I have no problem with her killing the dog either.


I don't like animal killing in all but she had to do it to survive.


She's a dog killer and I have no sympathy for her. Poor doggy. I cried during that scene.



*beep* that dog. He was a psycho.


There are way more human psychos.


I agree. It is amazing how much more emotionally people react in a film when an animal is killed vs. when a human being is killed. People watch action movies where dudes are getting murdered every second, and these super cool action hero murderers go around banging every slut they find and beating people up and cursing and stealing and we cheer the whole time.

But a life or death situation where someone has to weigh their own survival against the life a mangy, murderous mutt? TOTALLY UNCOOL BRO. WAY HARSH. THIS FICTIONAL CHARACTER IS DEAD TO ME.

Grow up, you sniveling children.


I love animals and dogs, but in that situation she had no choice. She did the right thing killing the dog.


Thats one thing I don't get about people. A damn dog does and people flip out, happens all the time. Yet a person can die or some kids is starving to death and the same people couldn't care less. I love all living things but I'm not putting some animal's demise way above an everyday person. The dog got killed yea, it was also trying to rip her throat out.

"Cool will get ya dead." -Former NBA Power Forward, Karl Malone


How do you know that people who care about dogs don't care about children starving? That is a big presumption on your part. Do you even think before you type? :-)

It's not that weird for people to sympathize with an animal more than a human, because animals are more innocent, in the sense that they have no reason like humans. Also, a dog is not less important than a human. I have a disabled relative who is incapable of living a normal life. A dog may very well be of more value to the world than him. So really, you shouldn't judge any living thing by comparing them to others.


Did she really need to lure it inside a car? Seriously, that's the worst thing to do when being chased by a dog, other than perhaps rubbing peanut butter on your groin


Yo moron, the dog was chasing her.


This reminds me of when I saw Eden Lake and there were people saying the man and woman deserved to die because they accidentally killed the murderous psycho kid's dog. Like, seriously?


They don't deserve to die but humans are not more important than other animals :-)


They don't deserve to die but humans are not more important than other animals :-)

You tree hugging dog lovers are ridiculous. If that's true why are so many dogs killed in animal shelters every day? The only things dogs do is bark at nothing all damn night. I laughed when Angela killed that bitch. The best part in Toxic Avenger is when they kill that blind lady's dog LOL


Get back to me when you are willing to be rational, not argue with emotion and not generalize. Apparently people who disagree with you are tree huggers. Whatever you say.
