MovieChat Forums > She's Out of My League (2010) Discussion > Oh my god, the dork gets the hot girl??!...

Oh my god, the dork gets the hot girl??!!?

How unique, except IT HAPPENS IN EVERY *beep* MOVIE!!!

I'm tired of you, hollywood.

Can I just get an asian, female, lesbian, ugly lead character who is not a kung-fu master or geeky maths student? ... or something? anything.

Yeah, people love the underdog as long as the underdog is straight, white and male.


It's done alot because women are more shallow than men are. Just like how in all the Disney movies the female character ends up with the prince. Shallow, just like in reality. Fact of life. So of course you know it's a work of fiction when an attractive woman ends up with an unattractive, dorky guy.


They did overdo it this time, but I have to disagree that attractive women ending up with a less than stellar, or average looking guy is a "work of fiction" - look out there, in the real world. Unless you've been a hermit your whole life and get your 'realities' out of films, you should know that it happens everywhere. Sure there are attractive couples, but then there are also couples like portrayed in this film, except it's taken to an extreme here. As the guy really is just a tool. In scenarios like this, the guy usually has something VERY VALUABLE in his personality that girls like. Or he has money, and lots of them.


Didn't know men base their female knowledge on Disney movies nowadays. I'd advise you to get laid, but that's not happening any time soon, is it?

Pavlov's pothead... I hear the sound of a bong clink and my eyes begin to water.


men are 100% more shallow then woman! the ugly poor dorks always think that they deserve model material. really get a mirror yourself and be honest! its only guys who are angry bc the hot girl turned them down who talk like this. you have no business trying to be with a hot girl if your not hot or rich.


you have no business trying to be with a hot girl if your not hot or rich.

Wow, I guess I've encountered a more shallow person, but I don't know when.

Get outside your house. Air yourself out. Take a look around. There are PLENTY of hot girls hanging with not-hot guys. You'll see plenty of good-looking women with guys that aren't. It doesn't go the other way though, so I suppose you could say that most men are shallow, and on that point I would agree.

For those that haven't ever experienced being on a date, or actually kissing a female, get this... while it is true that - most of the time - a woman will get teamed up with a man that is of equal good looks, sometimes they get hooked up with a guy that isn't great looking or rich.

My sister is a beautiful woman, extraordinarily beautiful. When she was young she was a model, and of the four men that she dated before she got married, only one was what you would call "attractive". The other three were not good-looking, nor were they rich. Two were struggling comedians, and one was an entry-level employee at a banking firm (who was also a struggling comedian). She likes funny guys and doesn't really care if they are "good-looking". If a guy has a great personality, is very confident (as most comedians are) is funny and treats her right, she's in heaven.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


lol i agree with everything your saying. i dont know why ur trying to disagree with me? im just trying to make a point to these pissed off guys that really hot guys wont go with donkeys so why in the hell are they expecting hot girls to hook up with them. sadly i do know the reality that woman are alot less shalow then men and will go with men for a wide variety of reasons but guys 100% looks.


I get what you're saying, but I simply disagreed when you said, "you have no business trying to be with a hot girl if your not hot or rich." I just think that's crap.

I will say this, one thing that pisses me off are films, like She's All That and others that try to make people look shallow for wanting to be with the beautiful people. It's stupid. They make out that the popular guy that is with the popular girl is shallow because he won't notice the "wall flower" girl. But, it's perfectly okay for the wall flower girl to be totally in love with the popular guy. Another example is Pretty In Pink. The popular guy is shallow because he wants to hang with the popular girl, and he's a better guy because he is willing to hang out with the not-popular girl. However, they don't make anything out of the fact that the not-popular girl ignores the not-popular guy (Duckie). If a person is so shallow for wanting to be with the popular person, then why is it that all the geeks, wallflowers and not-so-hot people aren't shallow for wanting to be with the popular people? Popular people are shallow for hanging with popular people, but geeks aren't shallow for wanting to hang with the popular people?

The bottom line is, we all want to be with the hot girl or guy. There is nothing wrong with that, but we shouldn't be cracking on hot people for wanting to be with hot people. That's simply hypocritical. People who aren't good-looking want the good-looking guy or gal to notice them for their other assets, but are they noticing the not-good-looking people for their other assets? No, they just want to be with the good-looking person.

Thankfully, women are much less shallow and far more generous than guys are (otherwise I would never have been with a hot woman - and thankfully a couple have been charitable). In this movie however, Kirk (Jay Baruchel) has really nothing to offer Molly (Alice Eve), while Molly has much, much to offer Kirk. She is not only beautiful, but she has sterling social skills, she is successful, she has a good education, she's a hard worker, she has an excellent family and friends, she is kind and friendly, loving, giving and forgiving. Kirk... is a mess. He has no education, horrific social skills, little sense of humor, no ambition, and the list goes on. If Kirk was funny, had a little ambition, some education, then looks wouldn't be a factor. The guy is just devoid of... well, most everything a gal might want.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


i was annoyed with the other poster but what i meant was exactly the way you put it so eloquentlyv "Popular people are shallow for hanging with popular people, but geeks aren't shallow for wanting to hang with the popular people?" but for looks. i was trying to point out that these guys come on here all angry calling girls shallow bc they cant get "hot" girls but they never realize they are the shallow ones for wanting the hot girl.



"People that are attractive, good looking and desirable are made out to be idiots or mean or have nasty personalities while the dweebs and obese are meant to have "hearts of gold.""

A pretty face don't make no pretty heart... Just kidding, I just like quoting song lyrics.

I suppose I'm what you'd call a "dweeb." Probably not considered good looking at all; scrawny, mis-aligned teeth, computer nerd...

I've met a lot of "hot" girls and guys that are great people (well, I assume the guys are "hot" because they're in good shape. I can't really tell if girls would think they're hot). But, sometimes you meet people with horrible superiority complexes because of their looks or athletic abilities. "Popular" doesn't really apply once you're out of high school. Never really applied at my high school either, since everyone just hung out in their own "cliques." I chose the stoner "clique." Good times...

Yes, it is totally normal to want to be with cool person whether they're "hot" or "ugly." I think you're making a mistake by thinking "ugly" people want to be with someone only because they're hot (unless they're only looking for sex), and not because they think they'd enjoy that person's company.

"We're told that we shouldn't judge people."

Of course you shouldn't judge people. This is not a new phenomenon. It's been around at least 2000+ years; ever since the Bible was written. And probably much longer than that.

"We have 60% of society either extremely overweight or obese but we're told that fat people are beautiful and more "real" than people who are thinner."

Really? I've always heard that being fat was unhealthy. I also don't see very many fat models. In fact, many models I see dangerously underweight. Models typically do not look anything like "real" (average) people, and it does create unrealistic and unhealthy expectations. There's a difference between being "fat," and overweight as well. Some people throw that term around loosely to mean anybody that isn't "perfect" or underweight.

"In the past if you were obese people would call you a fatass. Not anymore. In the past we called people who lived on the street bums. Now they're called "homeless." People make excuses for everything. Every problem is now considered a "disease.""

People do not call people fatasses anymore? Strange. I call my friend that all the time :) Is "homeless" any better that "bum?"

"I blame talk shows like Dr Phil, Oprah, etc for perpetuating this type of nonsense among the masses."

Do people actually watch that crap?

"Being attractive is the most important thing there is."

Wow. Really? The most important thing there is, eh? How about accomplishments, and contributions to society? How about things you've actually worked for? How about changing lives for the better? How about the quality of your own life? How about your moral character and personality? Empathy? Compassion? Determination? Commitment? Being physically attractive isn't important at all, and helps no one. It has no real value.

"You're more favored on job interviews, you make more money, you get more action from the opposite sex, you feel better about yourself, you look better, you're healthier, the list goes on and on."

1) Attractive more favored on job interviews because of faults in human perception. Doesn't mean your actually better at the job. And definitely isn't moral or logical at all. White upper class people are more favored in job interviews than black lower-class people. Doesn't mean anything.

2) Income is related to #1.

3) I'm pretty sure ugly people, and attractive people get about the same amount of action.

4) Eh. Might feel better about yourself. Not really important. Yes, you look better if your physically attractive; that's by definition.

5) You may not be healthier just because you're physically attractive. Attractiveness != healthiness.

"I'm not gonna feel bad because some heifer or some scrawny dweeb has insecurity issues."

Ok. But you should feel bad about your arrogance.



Hmm. I really wish you'd be more specific.

Idealistic? Maybe. Though, I've always thought of myself as a realist, at least when it comes to problem solving.

Out-of-touch? Not sure what you mean here. I thought that term was only used for old people :) I may be out-of-touch with high-school kids considering I haven't attended high-school in 4 years. But, high-school kids are "out-of-touch" with the real world anyways.

Personally, I think your statement about "attractiveness being the most important thing" is very "out-of-touch" with reality. It's a very strange priority of values that I'm guessing very few people share.



You're not going to type it out because you're dim-witted, arrogant, and a jerk, and you have no argument. The only people who think looks are the *only* thing are people who only have looks going for them, or else are incredibly shallow.

Your existence is a net loss for humanity. Don't worry about it, though; it's cool. There are plenty of upright and healthy individuals out there to make up for your inadequacy.



Meh let me break it down... Money and Looks means status, it's a way for a girl
to rationalize that she's attracted to you (this to defend herself from being
frowned upon by society. Wondering why a girl whose a 9 is dating a guy whose a

You can be an attractive guy without money and looks, but that doesnt mean your
supposed to look like a bum and have no extra qualities certain women find
attractive (generalizations can be made, but obviously not all women are the

In the end, money and looks will have an edge on those who have neither. That's
the reality. Also you don't need to take everything to heart, be a bit more

I also find the replies in this topic funny, it's almost like the hopes and
dreams of some people are being jeopardized. Chill.



So first you say:

you have no business trying to be with a hot girl if your not hot or rich.

and then you say:
sadly i do know the reality that woman are alot less shalow then men and will go with men for a wide variety of reasons but guys 100% looks.

Sadly, I do see your spelling and the contradiction in your statements. I can't help, but think that you're the most shallow person on this board...
Are the "wide variety of reasons" being hot or rich? What about the intellect then, which no one here thought of, because idk, maybe they're too shallow? If I can't have a normal conversation with a woman (and the rule is the more beautiful a woman is, the more dumb she is, cuz she thinks she only needs good looks to succeed in life) then why would I need her for more than a week? There are plenty of hot women with the intellect of a 12 year old out there...



Right on, babe. The posters hurling gay slurs are the most insecure creatures on earth--sadly for them. P.s. Smart women feel the same way about you as you do them ; )-Meg


Good point BladerunnerA. I'm an average looking guy buy my own admittance (not ugly but not that attractive either). I have a number of gorgeous female friends who I treasure and am grateful that we are friends. The best thing is, they like me for who I am and not because of my attractiveness or lack of. I find - through personal experience - if you're a good person who does right by others, then people (regardless of how you look, your employment status or your age) will want to spend time with you and take an interest in your life. Or maybe I'm just lucky.

On the other hand, I don't think I have a right to have a 'hot girl' as a girlfriend or otherwise, these friendships happened organically through work, study, mutual friends etc. I'm glad they're all my friends, but I don't see them as 'just' hot girls: yes they're beautiful, but I respect them for who they are and try not to put them on a pedestal because of their physical attractiveness. Yes, they also have flaws, but I'm mature enough to look past that and see the good in them.

This may sound harsh, but the kind of guys who think they have a god-given right to be with a hot girl are probably the kind of guys who wouldn't have a hope in hell anyway.

I'm not saying I'm better than anyone because of my friends, I'm extremely lucky that they CHOSE to be my friends and I've worked hard to maintain friendships with all of them (not easy, but totally worth it) and it makes me feel good that attractive girls like me, at least as friends.


ha wow your a bitch


i disagree. Since i'm actually a guy and hang around mostly guys i can speak about this. While it's true that all men, and all women prefer an attractive partner, i've seen guys date or hook up with less attractive women much more often than the other way around.

i dont consider my self to be an attractive guy: 6 feet, white, scrawny, average looking, and i typically seem to be attracted to short chubby latinas, including this girl i chased after for over a year that half the people i knew considered to be unattractive, but she never gave me a chance and considered me to be "too nice", and she doesnt date "white guys" and she always revealed her shallow side.

now that was just one example, but that seems to be the way things work


speaking of being shallow. i forgive you if you're a super hot chick



Depends on whether or not my girlfriend is in the mood. Any other virgin/basement nerd cliche jokes you wanna throw at me?



Yeah it completely pisses me off when guys are like 'that mega gorgeous, amazing girl is shallow because she doesn't fancy me back because I am average looking. I'll never love again all women are shallow *beep* Here's a thought.............. maybe branch out a bit and try talking to a girl who's not a Hollywood bombshell type. Shallow mother *beep* nerds.

And yeah, Hollywood loves an under dog as long as they're white, male and straight, so very very true.


I love this thread. Let those geeks know


As a fellow geek, I say *beep* you to all. :)



Look, I'm not a hot guy, I'm a six at best, but my girlfriend is a solid 9 (even older than me) and she's totally in love with me. And I'm not rich and just a struggling writer. But I am funny. I have ambition. And everyday a thank god that she sleeps with me, and that I can be myself around her all the time. But if my girlfriend wasn't smart, a little funny and down to earth we weren't going out for a year now.

So, not every women is shallow. Men are. F^ck yeah, we are. We all go after the hottest in the flock and sometimes we do get lucky.

«My name is Araan, you *beep*, and you're all dead!» - Chronicles of Luëndrill, Book One


this is completely true, I see it all the time. my best friend who's like a 9 is with a guy to whom I'd give... like 4, seriously, but she doesn't see him that way, to her he is a 10, just like they said in the movie. When you like a person, none of that other stuff matters, maybe it's a cliche, but it really is as simple as that.
Of course there are shallow exceptions to this rule, but yeah, mostly, at least to all the girls I know, looks aren't that important.

"And like that... he's gone." Verbal.


Exactly! Women aren't as shallow as we are, thank god. I'am, a little bit, but I also love my girlfriend's personality.

PS. I lefted out something in my previous post - I was a 5 or 6 when we started going out, but now she says I'm a 9.5 because I've been hitting the gym ALOT and now have a Ryan Reynols six-pack... but still, my face didn't changed and she fell in love with me when I was really out of shape.

«My name is Araan, you *beep*, and you're all dead!» - Chronicles of Luëndrill, Book One


People have different needs.

Your "narcissistic supply" (ego food) is what YOU need.


Being adored?

Being obeyed?

A refuge from the world?

A challenge? Intellectually or artistically?

Deeply shared beliefs?

Etc, etc.

All these "add points" that are not visible on the surface. The deeper the need and the more the other person fills them---the greater the equalization.




Riiight. So male viewers only watch hot women on screen, while women are fine watching dorks as protagonists...

...and for you this translates as "women are more shallow than men are" - how *beep* stupid are you?


False. I see hot women with unattractive guys ALL THE TIME. But I NEVER EVER see a hot guy with an unattractive girl.


It's not fiction. You must live in a bubble because I've seen it plenty of times. Case in point, I saw it a my last school reunion. The guys weren't what you might call dorky (whatever that means) but definitely nerds and not by any stretch of the imagination really good looking, but their wives were real knock-outs. Not gold-diggers either since these guys were upper middle class, blue collar, type of guys. Nice to know that there are plenty of women out there who value brains and character above looks.


Also the reversal - Hugh Jackman & Deborah Lee-Furness
- - - - -
If you don't like the show, stop watching it!


okay fine he's not that good looking, out of shape, not so rich, drives a *beep* and whatever. It was when he hit his ex-girlfriend with the bag that totally made him disgusting. In real circumstances, she could have been seriously injured. What a dork, how could the girl even find him attractive after that? I don't get it.

by the way, how about making movies where super handsome guys fall for ugly, unattractive girls. Do you still think that people would want to see that kind of movie?



Hey the girls here are just jealous that they get disgustingly ugly with age while we'll still be able to bone 20 year olds in 20 years and we have the ability to get kids in our 90s while they become bilogically useless at 40. You'll see as they approach that age and are still single they'll get more and more desperate as no one wants them anymore. It's a clear case of jealousy so just cut them some slack. Nerds be happy that you're male, you got the longer straw. You most likely get paid more as well. Oh and you wont be sucking dick and taking it in the butt. I thank chance every night for being born a male, the stronger and better of the sexes.


I wouldn't say they're jealous and most of what you're saying is true (men's sperm count decreases just like the quality of women's eggs do with time so don't get our hope up haha).

But if you're born a straight male, congratulations. Society will love you. It's no secret women are considered the lesser gender. Being feminine is considered the worst thing you can be, after all. It's sad. but it's true.

And while you COULD bang chicks when you get older, you probably won't. Men tend to be lonelier around middle-age and up than women (who tend to keep friends around) so statistically speaking the chances are bigger you'll end up alone. Not that it's neccesarily a bad thing :)

So I congratulate you for being the most accepted person in society, even though percentage wise you're much more likely to kill yourself in the end.

lots of love


Biiiiiitter. Poor sad little man. Is your view of women based on 1950s instruction manuals?

~"Where did you learn to drive?!"
"Just now, in your car!"~


It happens in real life all the time providing the guy has lots of money. Money is all that matters with women. That is why rich guys should not marry or shack up with modern western women.


^Exactly, so what's with all these people saying women are less shallow? There's more to shallowness than looks - there's social status, financial status, etc.

Yea there are tons of girls with guys who are less attractive than they are, though consider the fact that ANY rich guy can find a girl, while there are tons of successful, career oriented women who are single.

If guys were more shallow than women, then why do we still see articles written by financially well-off, single women in their 40s who complain incessantly about how they can't find a guy who'll commit and marry them, where as old men who are millionaires have no shortage of wives/girlfriends?

The people who get mad at movies like this are generally ugly girls who live vicariously through their hot friends, or hot girls in general. Thus, the idea of a guy who they perceive as unattractive getting with a hot girl offends them on a personal level.

Btw, almost all guys think they deserve a hot girl, so I don't understand why nerds are being singled out here. If anything, nerds are more likely to realize that they have no chance with hot girls until they become older and get rich.

oh and last thing: being good with computers, be it hardware or software, is a sign of intelligence, not nerdiness (though the 2 are kind of related). Given the current job market, more and more people are going into fields like computer science because of the job opportunities, not because they like playing dungeons and dragons in their basement. Personally i see more dorks in areas like literature or theatre arts.


R we talking about 10 year olds or about mature ppl? R we talking about walking puppets or real life? R we talking about Hollywood or the normal world? Because in case we r not talking about fiction, yes, there r women (attractive or not) who care only for money suppliers or super models. But there r also women, who are decent and mature and willing to have a real relationship with a real person. In this case, muscles r not in job description, not because we don’t like fit men but just because this is good as an xtra not as minimum requirement. And I do have super hot girlfriends who have great relationships and marriages with not good-looking and not rich guys... What they have? They r real men not regarding their shape but their character and attitude.


To the OP here...uh, dude, don't you get the whole point that the "hollywood" you're tired of made this kind of movies for guys like you?????

so would you feel a lil better if hot girls went out with someone like you? ohh wait, that ain't gonna happen cos I think hollywood chicks these days dig dorks and not some random guys who cyber bullsh*t...hmm too bad for you.


This film takes something that happens in ALL films and turns it into their "omg super original plot"

it would be nice to see something different. Look at any romantic comedy like this or TV show for that matter (Friends, Superbad, American Pie etc). Chicks that are hot *beep* with guys that are below average. I am aware this happens in real life and that the films are made with a specific type of viewer in mind but it would be nice to see them try something different.

Would the DARE to put an ugly chick in a film? Probably not.

And it's nice of you to assume that I'm all this you say I am when I'm the opposite.

Think next time.


Uh, when you're the opposite of what??? All I said was that hollywood chicks these days seem to dig dorks anyway (and this is according to you), and not some random guys who cyber bullsh*t, which you actually kinda did. So, YOU think next time.

I even complimented you somehow by asking "would you feel better if these chicks dated someone like you?" Meaning "would you feel better if they dated non-dorky guys, perhaps someone like you?", if you didn't get it in the first place.

But then again, if you're trying so hard to convince us that you're NOT just some guy who only BS online, why not show us a picture of you standing next to a super hottie? We'll do the judging this time, what cha say? :)


Well you're still assuming that I'm both non-dorky and male. That's what I mean. But if it makes you happy, I have no problem with that.

I don't know about that being a compliment but to answer your question - I have no interest in girls like that, neither do I have a particular interest in dating. I do have an interest in film, however, and it makes me sad how it's turned into America's net top model instead of the visual storytelling it should be.

So no, I just don't BS online, though I do it sometimes. We're all on IMDB so pointing fingers here is pretty redundant. I have no pictures of me standing next to a hottie and I'm not sure what a picture like that would prove anyway.


Usually, there's an okay guy who trys his best to win this hot looking chick, and I can take that, but this guy is just completely stupid, he didn't even try to win the girl, through out the movie I only see the girl after him the whole time! It so unreal!

For sure the script was wrote to fulfill every boy's wet dream, so they would bring their girlfriend to see the movie and said: "Hey! I'm not good looking, nor am I have anything to show for, but really, you should really fall for a guy like me!", well, dream on!!


Meh, she ain't hot...

and certainly not a 10. But that amounts to opinion. In fact I would say because she is blond, she's automatically disqualified :p

Just saw a tagline:
How can a 10 go for a 5?

Sorry, but I couldn't let this go. She is not a 10. By my standards anyway.
More like a 7 - 7.5...

Brunettes for the win!


Well I'm not saying that I wouldn't take her, but I am saying that the whole web toe defect was a turn off.Hell the kids could come out looking like fu*ing ducks and quacking...the girl was hot,the web toes were not.
