MovieChat Forums > She's Out of My League (2010) Discussion > 5 reasons why this movie is full of lies...

5 reasons why this movie is full of lies:


1. flight securities are only cool in movies.
2. dogs dont eat your cum.
3. HOT blondes never fall in love with GOOFY nerds. (Its a conspiracy theory created by "not so attractive" people. "I know someone who knows someone..." doesnt count as counterevidence.)
4. the scene in the bedroom was a complete f!!kin disaster. It was so surreal and unrealistic how the text developed only to show us the "Im not good enough for you" inferiority complex bullsh!t. They could have used every other random surprise like an earthquake or a dinosaur attack to prevent him from having sexual intercourse with such a goddess body. Everything but this catastrophic dialogue would have been convincing.
5. all the characters in this movie are so damn fake besides the ridiculous storyline it could have been more reputable if this would be a 2d cartoon on toilet paper.
the key of a good comedy is to create humour which is based on REALISM. as more we identify with the characters the funnier a comedy will get. thats a *beep* fact. make a movie about birds in a tree. NOT FUNNY.
This movie distorted and caricatured the characters in every possible manner just to adapt or prostitute them to "okay" jokes. As if the writers used randomly picked semifunny jokes as a starting point and filled the gaps with a mendacious plot!


You obviously do not understand film. I don't mean this film, I mean film in general. Your statements are ridiculous. "The key of a good comedy is to create humour which is based on REALISM." Really? What is Looney Tunes? What is Zombieland? Kung Fu Panda? Brazil? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? I think you get what I'm trying to say, that point you try to make is completely idiotic. She's Out of My League has real characters, and I'm sorry that you don't know people like this in real life, but I definitely have friends like these and we interact a lot like this. They are like characters in an Apatow film, just not as well developed. Your number 2 point makes me feel like this entire post was a joke. It's a grossout scene. Most grossout scenes aren't real. Watch Clerks 2. Flight security was not cool in this movie. Kirk is a nerd, Stainer is a guy who talks out of his ass thinking he's smarter than everyone, and Kirk's boss was a douche trying to get Molly out of her clothes. This movie was different because it had a fairytale element to it. Not everything was supposed to be taken serious. You said girls like her don't get with guys like him, but in the movie they even say this. They are trying to find examples and they say it's one in a million. I do have a friend who is with a girl way out of his league, and it's the only time I've seen it in my life. They don't pretend like it happens often, but it happens. I'd like to see what you write back, if you do at all. I'd be too embarrassed if I were you.


ShroudOfFrost this is like the third time you've told forum members that they "don't understand film". Go away, you sound like a pretentious loser. His points were well made, don't act like your some mature adult lecturing ignorant teenagers.

My Movie Ratings:


Whatever precedent has been set, in truth the OP really doesn't understand film. At all.




Well said


I agree with OP, although maybe my reasons are slightly different then his. This movie is not good by any standards and not funny. I've counted only two well made jokes, one actually made me laugh - the speech on the plane and what followed it.
But the rest was horrible, so cliche, dull and completely forced.

And please, rolling eyes at Molly actually getting in Kirk. Sexual chemistry between them was below zero, Alice Eve is amazing actress for not vomiting in a scenes where she kissed Jay. I could actually see her swallowing in disgust and forcing herself to open her mouth (other than that she is not very good actress at all).

And there are few movies where popular pretty boys are falling in love with less attractive girls, but in those films the actress playing the "ugly" is getting a makeover, and in the end we see that she is actually cute and pretty, it was the makeup that made her ugly. But in this movie, no makeover can help Jay.


I'm not sure how serious to take a person who has first hand experience trying to feed dogs their cum.


I'm not sure how serious to take a person who has first hand experience trying to feed dogs their cum.

Couldn't agree more. I'm still wondering how he would know that. What a weak point to make, hopefully it was a joke.


Heh, the chances of these sorts of romances happening in real life are very slim. I'm sure that's common sense... It's just a sweet comedy that gives you a what if, the good guy wins and gets the girl feel. It's just a movie.


Yeah, just look at Airplane, Duck Soup, Dr. Strangelove, Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Caddyshack, Spinal Tap, Groundhog Day... all the most famous comedies are 100% realistic!

Oh, look, you have no idea what you're talking about. That's a *beep* fact.



I agree with the OP in part: the best comedies are the ones based in reality, albeit within their own unreal worlds!

This "comedy" fails on many levels, not the least of which is totally unrealistic characters and situations - even within their own world, on their own terms, it's simply not efective as comedy. "Jokey", yes - some jokes work. Film comedy, no. It fails.

5 stars.

"the best that you can do is fall in love"


Excellent points OP. The one that hit home the most was the bedroom scene as youmentioned. I am a fairly confident guy but the fact is that even if I were not; I would be a dumbass not to just go with the flow with a gorgeous woman , no matter what I look like. That is just so unrealistic. No sane heterosexual male would rant and leave before the sex and if there were a rant it would be after the sex.


No sane heterosexual male would rant and leave before the sex and if there were a rant it would be after the sex.

Well, maybe YOU wouldn't, but that's the point of this movie though. I just watched this movie tonight. Kirk is so paralyzed with self-doubt that he can barely string together a sentence, much less consumate a relationship with Molly. Why is that so unrealistic? It's perfectly in keeping with the psychology of this character. He's obviously not like a lot of men who are totally ruled by their dicks at all costs. Kirk is apparently a man who was pushed down so much in his life that doesn't believe that he is worth anything, and certainly not worthy of this girl who he thinks is perfect. I was surprised he could even get it up for her considering how self-conscious he was.

At any rate, I think it's a mistake to make blanket statements about what all "sane heterosexual males" would or would not do. Contrary to popular opinion, not all men are alike.

Sister, when I've raised hell, you'll know it!


Seriously... I just watched the movie, and I couldn't believe how much it made me think I'd act in a situation like that.
I really would act very similar to him.
I wouldn't storm out of the room (she obviously wanted him to stay and talk)...
But I'd have a hard time just letting it happen cuz I have serious issues like he does with stuff like this.

As strange as it is, this movie basically explained my life. Knowing me, I probably would have junked my pants just like he did in that one scene if a chick like that was making out with me.

Perfectly describes the kind of stuff that goes through my head.

Not the best movie in the world, but surprising how down to earth it was IMO.

"Never try."


Right. I understood the scene perfectly. Insecurities can cripple you if you let them. I felt sorry for the guy.

Sister, when I've raised hell, you'll know it!




1) TSA in San Jose, SF and San Diego are hilarious and I know a few (girls and guys).

2) Yes, dogs do. At least German Shepards, and I never planned on it.

3) Yes they do, quite often. Maybe not in high school, but in real life, yes. You would be surprised what a personality and a little success can do.

4) That actually isn't an uncommon situation for girls like that.

5) You miss the point of cinema in general.
