MovieChat Forums > She's Out of My League (2010) Discussion > 5 reasons why this movie is full of lies...

5 reasons why this movie is full of lies:


1. flight securities are only cool in movies.
2. dogs dont eat your cum.
3. HOT blondes never fall in love with GOOFY nerds. (Its a conspiracy theory created by "not so attractive" people. "I know someone who knows someone..." doesnt count as counterevidence.)
4. the scene in the bedroom was a complete f!!kin disaster. It was so surreal and unrealistic how the text developed only to show us the "Im not good enough for you" inferiority complex bullsh!t. They could have used every other random surprise like an earthquake or a dinosaur attack to prevent him from having sexual intercourse with such a goddess body. Everything but this catastrophic dialogue would have been convincing.
5. all the characters in this movie are so damn fake besides the ridiculous storyline it could have been more reputable if this would be a 2d cartoon on toilet paper.
the key of a good comedy is to create humour which is based on REALISM. as more we identify with the characters the funnier a comedy will get. thats a *beep* fact. make a movie about birds in a tree. NOT FUNNY.
This movie distorted and caricatured the characters in every possible manner just to adapt or prostitute them to "okay" jokes. As if the writers used randomly picked semifunny jokes as a starting point and filled the gaps with a mendacious plot!


2. dogs dont eat your cum.
I've seen a dog eat another's $h!t. Eating cum isn't too hard to believe.

"Can't help but feel for the guy, actually." - hariseldon99 on the Norwegian child-killer


the key of a good comedy is to create humour which is based on REALISM.
Oy, no! I do not agree with that at all. I'm sick of you folks with your realism fetishes bitching about film after film. I'm not looking for realism. Stop the campaign to get every filmmaker to focus on that. How about just letting there be some films that people who don't have a realism fetish can enjoy, while you focus on films made by folks who share your fetish?



Taking them as lies suggests that you approach fiction as if the filmmakers are claiming everything they depict is an accurate representation of the real world and you think you've caught them in their lie by pointing out things in their film that aren't like the real world. I've never approached fiction that way but it seems that a lot of folks do. It seems like it would make watching films pretty frustrating because you'd be sitting there constantly thinking...ohhh that wasn't real, that was bogus, that's not how real life is, etc. instead of just enjoying the film.


I start laughing during this film after the opening credits and don't stop until long after its over. And that's after 12 viewings! And yes great looking girls do go for average looking guys. My best friend's wife is a 10 and he is a 5. Same goes for my wife (a former model)and myself. You'd be surprised just how many average guys get the great looking girl. And dogs do eat almost anything. The bedroom scene did however need a rewrite.



I disagree, I have seen plenty of gorgeous girls dating nerdy or unattractive guys. Personally, I'm a bit too shallow to date an unattractive guy which is probably bad...but that's just my personal thing. However, I read somewhere that women have such a variations in what we think is attractive that a girl can find a totally ugly guy pretty good looking while someone else may think he's gross.


"I have seen plenty of gorgeous girls dating nerdy or unattractive guys."

Due to a man's success, personality, status in a group etc. a very attractive girl may be with an unattractive guy. However, a nerdy guy is a different story for me because this implies there's a problem with his social skills as well as his physical appearance. It's going to take much more success for him to appeal to a highly desirable woman.

The absurdity of this movie is the beautiful girl being attracted to someone that has nothing to offer except perhaps, "a good heart." He isn't a success financially, physically, or socially. The final death knell is his complete lack of confidence.

Of course, not all comedies have to be logical but this is a romantic comedy and the story is expected to have some meaning to the moviegoer. I found its basic premise too difficult to swallow and the humor wasn't for me abundant enough to make up for this. Obviously, however, a lot of people felt otherwise.


"The absurdity of this movie is the beautiful girl being attracted to someone that has nothing to offer except perhaps, "a good heart." "

I think a lot of people miss this part of the movie. Molly had been crushed by her ex. Not only did he think he was hot sh!t, but he cheated on her. So, when Molly meets the nice guy, she feels "safe" with him. She doesn't think she'll be hurt by him because who would he cheat with?

But, she learns that he isn't just "safe", he's a decent guy. Actually, more than a decent guy as she sees how mistreated he is but isn't mean. Plus, he went above and beyond the call of duty to give Molly's sister a great birthday party.

She fell in love with the person.

I don't see what is so hard to believe about that?

Not the greatest movie ever, but I've not only watched it with my wife, but have watched it other times when it has been on.


Yeah, it would've been better if Kirk actually did SOMETHING to win Molly over, ha! She initiated EVERY date and even the kiss. Kirk didn't charm her or do anything even funny. They made him "too much" of a dork. "Hot Girls" do fall for guys of all types, but the guy has to bring something to the table. Especially if they are "nerdy." Kirk was just "nice" and mumbled and bumbled in every interaction with Molly. He had no special talent or anything unique about him. There's no way a girl like that would dig Kirk without him making some sort of effort. This movie was a mess but TJ Miller and Nate Torrence were good in their supporting roles. They deserved a lot better than the material.


Now, that's a good point. Kirk was extremely passive in the courtship, and his lack of a great deal of charm even would make it extremely unlikely that Molly would put in that much effort.

I don't hate you.....hate your parents for having you.


Two things. First, why would a "5" court a "10"?

Secondly, her ex cheated on her so it isn't surprising that she would at least start off with a "safe" relationship where she knew he would never be able to cheat on her.

From there she developed real feelings for him that went beyond the physical looks as he did her.


Exactly! These sort of movies are indulgent male fantasies that tell losers they don't have to change. Hot women don't just show up in your life to solve all your problems and fall in love with you for no reason. The problem wasn't that she is more good looking than him. The problem was that she was significantly superior to him on every possible level. It would have been more believable if it was Weekend at Bernie's III and she fell in love with the corpse. Kirk was a weak protagonist who had everything handed to him. I prefer a movie like Hitch that says men can "date up" but they have to work at it and have some sort of hook.


Exactly! These sort of movies are indulgent male fantasies that tell losers they don't have to change. Hot women don't just show up in your life to solve all your problems and fall in love with you for no reason.

Why would a "5" pursue a "10"? How well does that usually turn out when the "5" isn't uber-wealthy and/or famous?

The problem was that she was significantly superior to him on every possible level.

Except that she's not. She isn't some kind of saint and he isn't a complete loser. He always had his friend's back and went out of his way to make sure his girlfriend's sister had a great birthday party. He wasn't some loser living in his parent's basement or simply playing video games all day long.

I prefer a movie like Hitch that says men can "date up" but they have to work at it and have some sort of hook.

So you are saying you prefer complete and utter BS.

Not that guys can't date up, but most of the time the woman they are dating up to is shallow and superficial. In all my years I've only met a few women who were REALLY good looking who were out-and-out good and intelligent people - and even then they didn't go for the average guy.


You make about as much of a case as can be made. He was good to his friends and the movie made a point that that counts for something. Nevertheless, she really took the lead in the relationship and played the man and the woman while he was a passive agent. Also, his loyalty was a trait that she seemed to exhibit, too. Lastly, if "Hitch" is BS, which it kind of is too, then this movie is definitely BS.


This movie is more realistic inasmuch as Kirk wasn't fooling himself that he could run with the big dogs.

Molly had just been crushed by her ex. It isn't that much of a stretch of the imagination to think that she would go after someone who was "safe." It happens all of the time. A tall, dorky guy going after the fat chick, a selfish woman "allowing" her boyfriend to dote on her and provide for her, etc.


You make about as much of a case as can be made. He was good to his friends and the movie made a point that that counts for something. Nevertheless, she really took the lead in the relationship and played the man and the woman while he was a passive agent. Also, his loyalty was a trait that she seemed to exhibit, too. Lastly, if "Hitch" is BS, which it kind of is too, then this movie is definitely BS.


Wrong on #3. My wife did.



1. Of course not. Nothing real is as cool as in movies. If it were we wouldn't watch the movies. They'd suck. Restaurants aren't as cool as in the movies. Cops arent' as cool.......

2. Wait so you know this, because you couldn't get a dog to eat your cum? And I won't even bother with the others, because I can't get past being grossed out as to how you know this. And since you seem to know it as dogs in general and not "this one dog" then that means that you tried it multiple times, with multiple dogs just to get a good sampling.

To Love and win is the best thing. To Love and lose, the next best.
