MovieChat Forums > Conan the Barbarian (2011) Discussion > Stop destroying our Classics... PLEASE

Stop destroying our Classics... PLEASE

In regards to this film being better than the old version that is total crap. If you consider better being the fact that the plot points and characters are more complex I will give you that much. But complex doesn't really make it better. I mean sure the story line may give the modern day jumping minds more to concentrate on, but for me there was something about the simplicity of the original. Its like trying to compare simple classic music to the music of today which has way too much going on in my opinion.

My real grudge with this movie is that it isn't really even a remake it is a totally different movie. THey could have just called this Barbarian movie or something and left Conan out of it. Then they could have avoided all the nerd rage honestly. Yea I was one of those people who was so mad at them even attempting a remake of this movie that I boycotted it in theaters. I am just now getting around to seeing it and as a standalone movie I like it because I am into swords and sorcery. But the sacrilege of defiling a classic like Conan is unforgivable. I still compare it to the old one and it doesn't live up to the classic. I mean I can watch the classic over and over. Lines that echo in my head for years like "crush ya enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women". And how could they change the riddle of steel? I mean seriously the nerve of these people. Hollywood should stop with the freaking remakes and just do originals in my opinion. If you do a remake it is going to be compared to the actors and everything. The villain that James Earl Jones played can not be touched. Conan should have been cast with way more build than this small guy seriously.

As a standalone movie apart from being a comparison to the old I like it. But honestly it doesn't compare. Hell I would have preferred them to continue the story line where the destroyer left off. Everyone wants to freaking give their own spin on origins. While we are at it why don't we do another remake of the Bible while we are being sacrilegious.... "Do you want to live forever?"


It's funny because you obviously don't know that Conan comes from a very old series of pulp adventure novels and comic books and was not in fact invented for the 1982 film.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"



Were you expecting some Oscar standard biography of Conan? Momoas' Conan wasn't a remake of Arnies' Conan it was simply a different version of the same character, similar to how that Burtons' Batman is different to Nolans' Batman

Also I think your the only person I've met who describes Momoa as a 'small guy' Momoa is roughly 6'5 and weighed between 230 and 240lbs as Conan whereas Arnie is 6'1 and weighed about 220lbs when he played Conan. Momoa was the right build for Conan because he was muscular but without looking like a bodybuilder, Arnie actually had to stop doing some of his exercises as his arm and chest muscles were stopping him from using a sword correctly


I didn't like it ether but it didn't destroy the classic.. the original is still out there to be viewed, it hasn't vanished or anything.

people have forgotten this one already.


A remake has no effect on the original.

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Too many movies nowadays have to have explosions, fights and cleavage every 15 seconds for people to pay any attention to it.

While the original seems a bit long, it gave the viewer time to take in the scenery and the story. As for this newer version, if it weren't for uber-Hottie Rachel Nichols, I wouldn't have watched it at all.

As for this newer version of Conan, Grace Jones from Conan the Destroyer could have served this surf-board sissy a cold can of whip-ass. Honestly, I think Rachel Nichols' character could have beat up this beach-bum.



I think the problem is your comparing it to a film almost 30 years old. Think of it as the kick-start of a new era.

I enjoyed how the show rushes through his childhood, just showing enough of the brutality to make an impact. Everyone knows the story of Conan's past, so instead they set the scene and did a new story.

It was great! Not fantastic, but it was good enough that I saw it at the cinema twice.


"Think of it as the kick-start of a new era. "

Praise Crom this did not, and will never happen.


I still don't understand how they turn a profit from these crappy remakes.

Not ONE of them was a success, they all flopped at the box office: how do they make money?
