Similar movies?

I enjoyed this film and I'd loved to watch similar movies, any suggestions?

What I mean similar is:

- Feel good movie, but not too childish.
- Characters are little weird, but not over the top or morons.
- There is little obstacles in main characters life (or romance), but not in way like my dog died and now my life is ruined.
- Ending can be sad also, if it makes sense.

IMDB recommendations are usually nothing like the movie you just watched, so please recommend better ones.

Movies I would say are little similar to this are:

- Cinema paradiso
- A bronx tale
- A walk in the clouds
- The girl next door
- Untamed heart

Especially I would like to see a movie where's still some innocence left.

-I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it



Little Manhattan for sure. Its awesome.
Bridge to Terabithia is absolutely wonderful too, though its not a coming of age movie per se.

Explosions!!! - as cool plz


Little Manhattan was the first movie that came to mind.


The feel of this film really reminded me of The Sandlot. Loved that one too.


The Sandlot... So many wonderful childhood memories. I must have watched that movie over 100 times.


i would have to say something along the lines of My Girl or 8 days a week


how about............



- My Dog Skip
- Summer of '42
- Histoires d'hiver (French movie, but a FANTASTIC one. Probably hard to find outside of Canada unfortunately)
- Radio Flyer


I just looked up Histoires d'hiver....a hockey movie? I am definitely up for that one! Thanks for the recommendation!


I dunno if my answer would help(probably not...) but it really reminds me of two other movies: the Notebook and 500 Days with Summer, both my favorite!

I love Flipped!


I really enjoyed watching Flipped, I also liked The Station Agent, if you like this one I can suggest more..


Stand By Me
The Station Agent
The Notebook
Everything Is Illuminated
Almost Famous

"Drop the coffee!" - Jack Bauer


thank's to all of you for suggestions. The sandlot was indeed a good movie and very similar to flipped. The notebook is also one of my favourite movies( yes i am a guy) and definitely worth seeing, though to me there is no that innocence what i was looking for. (that's why it isn't in my list)

I have already watched the station agent, but to me it was pretty average and frankly I don't remember so much about it(to me usually means it was ok, but not a great one).

In my opinion they make far too less movies, which take you to completely different place and keep you there whole time what the movie lasts.

-I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it


I saw Little Manhattan and it was super nice!! thanks for the suggestion guys!!


Juno comes to mind. Surprised it hasn't been mentioned.
It similarly has some adolescent issues (well, one in particular)and family dysfunction.
Also, if you can find it, Twelve and Holding.
Seemed to me the main issue in Flipped was Bryce's being inconsiderate and being too immature to know how to be at least considerate, let alone how to stand up to others (his dysfunctional dad and school friend).
Juno is a hilarious comedy wrapped around an unintentioned teenage (high school-aged) pregnancy and how Juno, her girlfriend, boyfriend and families deal with the situation.
Twelve and Holding has 4 12-year olds dealing with perhaps more serious issues (somewhat dark, including the horrible death of a sibling) and parental dysfunction. This is not a movie for 12-year olds though!
There is sadness/emotionalism but also hope and somewhat of a silver lining at the end of each of these.


Oh, and I forgot to add Rocket Science

"Drop the coffee!" - Jack Bauer


Reminds me of "My Girl" and "Now and Then"

"Are you hinting my apples aren't what they ought to be?" -The Wizard of Oz (1939)


Most definitely Little Manhattan. My other favorite movies are Because of Winn Dixie and Ramona and Beezus. These all have the theme of growing up and coming of age.


Have you seen SIMON BIRCH?

"I get my hair cut every two days. After all, your hair is your head suit." - Jack Donaghy
