MovieChat Forums > The Girl Next Door (2008) Discussion > you americans are *beep* up

you americans are *beep* up

mmm... i mean its not like anywhere else dont have horrible crimes like this but you have to accept guys that the US has the most *beep* up crimes in history, in it majority caused by caucasian people (serial killers, crazy ass girls, high school massacres, pretty *beep* up *beep* for an instance, is not unusual for me to find out in the news that some crazy ass white girl killed her son or daughter because she was depressed or some stupid *beep* like that, i dont think that people are born *beep* up (or i dont know if you guys have it on the genes haha), instead, i think that the us culture its pretty repressed and very influenced by violence its the only way i could imagine some crazy ass *beep* like this happens, i know that a lot of angry people might reply to this message telling me to go to hell or that my mother should go throw herself from a precipice or something like that, im just throwing that out there.....
mr. crappynick
greetings from mexico

pd. yeah i know our water sucks
have a good one



it's really not a very smart move to generalize the people from one country and claim that everywhere else human beings live in harmony with each other and no bad stuff happens...the most notorious and sick people actually all come from other parts of the world - especially Eastern Europe and South American countries. Cannibals, child and women killers and abusers, all the lowest scum of the earth graced these parts of the world continuously.
Just to give you some examples of so called "nice guys" from other parts of the world:

Andrei Chikatilo - soviet child killing monster, a product of repressed society and shizophrenia. Killed over 50 people

Bruno Ludke - german serial woman killer. Victim count up to 85

Pedro Lopez - the most notorious colombian killer of them all, with a victim count ranging up to 300+, all being young girls

Fair to say, USA has it's own share of these kind of "heroes" too, but to make such sweeping generalizations is outright dumb and simply retarded


You're an idiot. Columbians are the most *beep* up. Everybody knows that.

They mostly come out at night; mostly.


It's actually spelled Colombians; with an O instead of a U.


First off learn the english language.Second off tell your friends to stop sneeking in our country cause my uncle has shot an killed two trespassing wetbacks,yes it is legal to kill trespassers here.An lastly your obviously so ignorant of facts its not even funny.


Lord have mercy! This post beats all I've ever seen. This has got to be the most ignorant post ever! And people act as if Americans are the only ones that can be ignorant at times. Jesus take the wheel! Yes, we do have crime here in the US, but there is crime every where in the world. But for some reason people only seem to focus on the crimes committed in the US and pay little attention to other horrible crimes that are also happening else where in the world. Weird...



Yeah, we suck, but you ALL want to come here don't ya....go eat some more dried grasshoppers....


mmm... i mean its not like anywhere else dont have horrible crimes like this but you have to accept guys that the US has the most *beep* up crimes in history, in it majority caused by caucasian people (serial killers, crazy ass girls, high school massacres, pretty *beep* up *beep* for an instance, is not unusual for me to find out in the news that some crazy ass white girl killed her son or daughter because she was depressed or some stupid *beep* like that, i dont think that people are born *beep* up (or i dont know if you guys have it on the genes haha), instead, i think that the us culture its pretty repressed and very influenced by violence its the only way i could imagine some crazy ass *beep* like this happens, i know that a lot of angry people might reply to this message telling me to go to hell or that my mother should go throw herself from a precipice or something like that, im just throwing that out there.....

Very true. A few of my friends and I were talking about this the other day. Ive seen this theme in many of their movies, in the news, and I've heard them say the sickest, scariest *beep* in real life. I don't even wanna know what goes on in their homes.The raping, pedophilia, serial killers, murderers, inbreeding, beastiality, invention of racism and other mentally sick *beep* White people are sick.



Very true. A few of my friends and I were talking about this the other day. Ive seen this theme in many of their movies, in the news, and I've heard them say the sickest, scariest *beep* in real life. I don't even wanna know what goes on in their homes.The raping, pedophilia, serial killers, murderers, inbreeding, beastiality, invention of racism and other mentally sick *beep* White people are sick.

I know a black girl who's into bestiality. As for black crimes, in 2008, the FBI reported that over a million white women were raped by black men while only 30,000 black women were raped by white men. Across the Atlantic, Rhodesia and present day South Africa are perfect examples of the savagery and ignorance of blacks.

Also speaking of South Africa, since blacks took over, it has one of the highest murder rates in the world, it's the car jack capital of the world, a rape is reported every 26 seconds and half of all teenage boys (mostly blacks) report that "jack rolling" which is SA slang for gang rape is "fun". Also South Africa is the baby rape capital of the world. Yes I said it, the BABY RAPE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD! You see, the blacks down there are so stupid they actually think having sex with a virgin will cure them of HIV/AIDS, and it doesn't get more virginal then a baby, often fresh out the womb.

So stop with your racist *beep* and acting like black people's *beep* don't stink.

Torture is a complementary procedure.
