Brilliant movie.

Superb stuff right here.

Did a double bill with Argo (2012) last night. Affleck is a pretty great director.


I have The TOWN on Blu Ray and it really is a good movie and much prefer the Theatrical ending than the Alternate ending


I didn't even know there was an alternate ending until right now.

And after looking it up, yap, I prefer the theatrical ending as well.


I liked it but found it too similar to Point Break.


Yes I can see that comparison. Not that Point Break is a bad film to copy LOL. I remember Town being well done though. Been a while since I watched it.

BTW Im making my way through your recommendations of Howell. Thank you for the links. I watch the Kidd so far. took me a bit to warm up to it because it was so over the top in the first few minutes but I did like it once things settled in. Have not recorded it for my son yet but will. I think he will enjoy. Its got flaws but I can overlook such things when its not insulting and budgets are low. Performances were fine. Brian Austin threw me a little because hes so young in it and reminded me of Edward Furlong in T2. Howell trying a little to hard to be an Eastwood or Bronson type in it but I can overlook it because I like him as an actor and I always get the sense he is trying as much as he can. I like it though. Would have been interesting as a true western. Either way it was more enjoyable than most of the modern garbage Ive seen of late. I do like film Noir genre films. Red Rock West (John Dahl film I somehow overlooked) was recommended to me yesterday as well but its proven to be difficult to trackdown. Im going to need to buy it most likely.


Glad you enjoyed the film!

Howell trying a little to hard to be an Eastwood or Bronson type in it but I can overlook it because I like him as an actor and I always get the sense he is trying as much as he can.

Yes I think the film was basically a re-do of High Plains Drifter. Howell definitely channeling Clint Eastwood and a few other tough guy actors

You can find Red Rock West on filmboards. Just log in with a username & password and you'll be able to watch films on this page here (the film appears once you've successfully logged in):
