MovieChat Forums > Sunshine Cleaning (2009) Discussion > Anyone else felt that it ended abruptly?

Anyone else felt that it ended abruptly?

I don't know if it's because it was too short but when the credits rolled, I thought it was a joke. I really liked the movie but the way it ended bothered me.

I am Jack's smirking revenge.



Yes, I think it did.


No, I didn't. It made me think for a bit after and I realized it didn't leave any loose ends at all. I actually prefer endings like this to the ones that "force-feed" you even the obvious.

Most of the points were made by others in this thread so I'm not going over them again.

I just want to comment about Norah's "relationship" with Lynn.
There wasn't any. Lynn was attracted to Norah but all Norah wanted and tried to achieve was to make Lynn feel about her mother what she was feeling about her own. But they were too different. Norah a free spirit and Lynn "safe" in her own little rules. So it didn't happen and that was that.


Just finished watching it and that's exactly what I thought.


Yeah, I thought the same thing. It's not that I want to be told what exactly happened to them. I don't need a circular ending, but this wasn't a good open ending.


I think every thing that needed to be said had been said. I'm glad they didn't try and drag things out further.


No, it dragged on far too long with me hoping at some point it would get good then what got good was it ended.

The acting wasn't half bad but those were easy parts to play and the only reason I can think of that it scored above a 4.

Lastly, Adams is a cute gal but not remotely close to hot enough to pull off the ex-cheerleader that guys just want to sleep with, role. They really should have removed that from the script, maybe made her a book nerd who had hopes of getting into MIT or something then was taken off that course in life by some random event like a meteor hitting her and putting her in a coma for 10 years. At least that would be more believable.


I respectfully disagree. I knew a couple women who were the prom queens at their respective schools - not small - and if you took a picture neither would look like much but they were tall and slender and smiled a lot. I don't mean shallow, they were just pretty and friendly and cheerful. And Amy is a lot prettier than these two, so I can see Rose being quite the hotty in high school. What do you want, Raquel Welch?

I'm not a woman much less Deanna Durbin, but the old-time glam-shot appeals to me.


No. The point wasn't some long journey to a certain endgame. It was about this point in the life of a family and how a suicide had basically frozen them into their behaviour patterns. They do something new and discover something about themselves in the process. It changes them and shakes them out of that pattern. Then they move on with their lives in a different direction. And we don't need to see the next chapter. So no it wasn't abrupt.



I actually thought the ending was perfectly in vein with the rest of the movie. And contrary to what a few people on here seem to have felt, I feel the ending was rather straightforward and whole.
As much as the movie tried to realistically depict the workings of an emotionally stunted family(post the incident), it does resort to well worn paths to explore said avenues. It is mostly generic in the way it treats its content and characters, but there is no denying that the movie itself was well done, with fine pacing and commendable acting. The end, which for Indie movies like this needed to do have been more focused, was more intent on being 'happy' than much else. Also, I found it refreshing that they didn't flesh out the possible romance between Amy Adams' and Collins' characters, which gave it the much required air of authenticity, of likely possibility; yet no all encompassing finality.
Overall, the movie is worth a watch and has certain redeeming if recycled insights into the intricacies of living life.


Well said. SC could have been generic, and there were elements that were cliche, but it avoided treacle and easy routes. I like this movie a lot. Someone mentioned A Serious Man somewhere else here, and that is a much more daring movie, but I do feel the indie spirit here rather than the happy, easy ending so many people seem to want.

I'm not a woman much less Deanna Durbin, but the old-time glam-shot appeals to me.
