Why do people like Light?

He is sooo creepy and cruel. He's to selfish to be capable of love and he killled a lot of good people in his quest. So why would you like him and root for him, I don't get it.

PS so someone below who is pycopathic pointed out psycopaths are not incapable of love, I changed it and I'm sorry!


For the same reason people like Tony Montana in Scarface: since it's fiction, it's OK to root for the bad guy. It's fun seeing murderers and drug dealers and bank robbers escape the law when all their crimes aren't actually real and you have no reason to feel morally repulsed. It's fun to have the bad guys win, or at least almost win and then get what's coming to them.

I didn't want Light to win, but I did want him to keep fighting for as long as he could once he had gotten snagged on L's line.


I liked him because he's a *supposedly* smart manipulative bastard who lets nobody get in his way to what he wants.

Is he evil? Yes, I don't agree at all with his methods and frankly I think he was an arrogant immature prick far too self-centered to succeed in the first place. He only got so far because his enemies (with the exception of L and Near) were all idiots and he got the people to love him (obviously, they were idiots too). So it's not really his fault now. Is it?

I like it when ''smart'' (the writers want us to think he's smart) people play the others and win. I don't care if they're good or bad, it's just a show. I'm tired of seeing how the good guys always win, it's far too unrealistic and it just gets boooring. That's why it's nice having villains win every now and then.

And that's why the last episode completely ruined the show for me. Actually, I liked it better when he killed L and won and ruled over he world with a bloody iron fist. And that's what I accept as the true ending of the series.


You sound like you grew up in a special little bubble with pretty flowers and happy fairies.

You're a boring person.

"Den Gleichen Gleiches, den Ungleichen Ungleiches."


I like him as in he is a well written character. I like that Light is not stereotypical he is good looking,smart and people like him. Also I like you never know what to expect from him

Class is Pain 101. Your instructor is Casey Jones


I dont really like him at all. I agree he is insane by the end, and he is very manipulative. But what made me root for him was that he made the world a better place. I know he did this through cruel ways, but there was no other way to do it, and not get caught at the same time.


I could never like Light. He is the character with the most extreme narcissistic personality disorder and sociopathy I have ever known. Yet he is uniquely brilliant. Just imagine if he had used his unparalleled intellect for something positive (how about neuroscience?) rather than for playing judge, jury and executioner (while effectively ignoring the first two) of just about everyone.

I think people who like him are either guys who are rooting for the bad guy or (more or less) borderline sociopaths. Light was probably corrupted by the Death Note, but he was already very prone to corruption (he thought that the world was "rotten" even before picking the Note). I could never imagine other brilliant guys such as L and Near, or.. less brilliant ones like Matsuda being corrupted by it for instance.

I think Light would have the tendency to use people and thinking he is above every common mortal even if he did not find the Note, he just would not have the power to act on it. Yet he was given the chance to live the ultimate sociopath's wet dream and fully lived it.

Fanboy : a person who does not think while watching.


Did you know that people have different opinions?


Becasue he represents the powerless demographic. He feels the world is going ape *beep* just like how many of us feel. With the ability he achieved its tempting to side with him. Though I would not approve his methods in reality, I am eager to look the world through his eyes. I did not hate him since this is not reality but the tension between him and L is the best I have seen.

To each their own
