MovieChat Forums > The Wedding Ringer (2015) Discussion > Anyone feel bad for Gretchen? (spoiler)

Anyone feel bad for Gretchen? (spoiler)

She said she was only marrying Doug because she wanted to settle down after a series of bad relationships and that she didn't love him, but that hardly makes her a bad person, does it? I mean she had to have seen something good in him to want to be with him, maybe when they were married she would have come to really like him.

But because it's groom-centred and a guy comedy, Doug has to get all the sympathy and empathy and his bride comes off as a mean-spirited bridezilla that he must be rescued from.

Does this strike anyone as a bit unfair?

07/08/06... 786... the sentinel of Allah has arrived.


I didn't feel bad for her. I emphasized with her. She was settling and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm in that same situation now. I haven't met my true love and I'm on my last "egg". I met a guy like Doug. I was ready to settle because he wasn't the "typical" type of man I would go for. He was a Christian, nice, kind, responsible, funny, much older and a gentleman. She wasn't being a bitch she should have told anyone her true feelings.


Absolutely not.

She was pretending to love Doug when she didn't, and yes, that ABSOLUTELY makes her a bad person.

She was using him to get the life she wanted, with a family and lots of money.

Her realizing that she had dated a lot of jerks doesn't excuse her marrying a nice guy who she doesn't really love but pretends to so that he'll be with her.

You don't "come to really like someone" once you're married. If you don't like them prior to marrying them than you're using them plain and simple. That's just asinine.

Grant discovered raptor eggs in Jurassic Park


She was using him to get the life she wanted, with a family and lots of money.

You've just described 99% of women. LOL

As nice as it is to believe we live in a world that is equal on both sides, women still expect their man to make more, even though it's not necessary anymore.

How many women that are good-looking and come from upper middle-class families do you know that married plumbers and if they did, didn't divorce his broke ass within 10 years? LOL


She was a beguiling vamp, so... heck no!!!


Doug was making a mistake with the marriage, so was she. He just figured it out before she did and had the guts to do something about instead of just trying to go with it and ending up with a failed relationship.

"You didn't come into this life just to sit around on a dugout bench, did ya?"


I would say that yes, it does make her a bad person. In essence, she was lying to Doug. He believed that she was in love with him

Take your pinche color-coordinated sponsored chingada and take a flying fck


I do think that it was unfair how only Gretchen was villainized, even though BOTH Gretchen and Doug were marrying for the wrong reasons.


The point of the movie was to sympathize with the groom, definitely, but in the end, I think both of them were equally responsible for the outcome. To me, you could empathize with both of them, but they also were both to blame for this whole charade. The movie was full of red flags indicating that these two weren't right for each other. There was no chemistry between them, his father-in-law treated him horribly, he kept saying over and over that he was marrying her because a guy like him could never get a hot girl like her and she wanted them to dance to a song that reminded her of her ex. It grew more and more obvious that this wedding would end up a disaster and they were both to blame. Of course, the purpose of the movie was to show that the guy is the one who gets fed up and puts an end to all the b@#&$%it, and she is presented as a bitch, but in my opinion, they were equally responsible for dragging a fake relationship, based on lies.


The theme of the film was finding that person who was The One. She was not for Doug, he realised that when she said she was marrying him for security.

It's that man again!!
