MovieChat Forums > The Wedding Ringer (2015) Discussion > Just saw this movie at an advanced scree...

Just saw this movie at an advanced screening. Ask me anything.

The theater was absolutely in stitches from laughing so hard throughout the course of this movie. I went into the theater thinking it would be mediocre at best (having seen the trailer, which didn't manage to make me laugh once), but I exited the cinema wanting to go see it again as soon as possible.

Ask me anything.



He has no real friends so needs to hire someone to be his BM and his Groomsmen. If I answered the rest of your questions the movie wouldn't be worth watching...


Is the movie rated PG-13 or rated R. The MPAA hasn't released the rating yet and I was wondering.


It's definitely going to be rated R. There's a lot of language, along with a scene where a dog licks peanut butter off a main character's penis.


Any violence/blood/gore? Doesn't look like it but just want to make sure. Thanks!


It's said (but shown off screen) that a dog gets lockjaw on a man's genitals. There may also be some punching in the movie, and a grandma gets set on fire (as seen in the trailer), but nothing too gory or serious.

That being said, this is still an R-rated comedy, mainly due to the course language throughout.





There's a brief scene that shows exposed boobs in it. It's not very long, though.


Is it basically Hitch?


I hesitate to call it an R-rated, funnier version of Hitch, because really, the two are nothing alike. Like Hitch, however, it'll probably be a comedy that I'll still reference and look forward to watching ten years from now. (Not sure if that answered your question or not)


Is there a villain?


In a way, yes. Without giving too much away, since they're trying to keep secrets from the bride-to-be, she's the villain of the story.


Is it another men are stupid and get humiliated movie?

Don't hate on contrarians


Not at all! It's more of a "men get themselves into a situation that's way over their heads, and hilarity ensues" situation. Also, the comedic timing of this movie is absolutely INCREDIBLE. The first joke in the movie is a jump scene that catches people off guard, and then it's literally joke after joke from that point on, and doesn't let up for quite some time. I can't overhype this movie...I haven't laughed so hard at a film in my entire life, and I watch hundreds of movies per year.


MEH! how much did they pay you to post that?


-Why in HELL is there a scene of bestiality??


I wish I knew. The jokes in the movie are so well-written up to that point, and the only thing I can think of is the writers decided "Man, we need to make people laugh out of shock now", and included that scene.

It's seriously the only part of the movie that I didn't like. The movie overall is HILARIOUS. Don't let my mention of a beastiality scene stop you from going to see it. :)


:P Well, thank you! I like your humor.


what is the meaning of life?

