MovieChat Forums > Brüno (2009) Discussion > What's your favorite scene?

What's your favorite scene?

Mine is definetly the screening of Bruno's show in the room. The man's reaction of "Oh my God" when Bruno walks in is priceless. The reactions were hillarious.

Another one of my favorite lines is when Bruno squeezes in next to the lady at a fashion show, and she says "You need to lose some weight" and what Bruno says is hillarious!!! I don't remember exactly what he said but something about "The cattle is telling the....(unknown) but his timing was hillarious


The end titles


I found it funny when Harrison Ford told him to *beep* off


The entire sequence where his tv show is shown for the focus group. OMG I laughed so hard I cried! There were many funny parts, but I can't remember all of them now - but I laughed thru the whole movie - it was "Fantasticht"!

"Are you going to your grave with unlived lives in your veins?" ~ The Good Girl


oh my god when he's trying to avoid sex with the blonde woman and she's whipping him with the belt repeatedly, then he jumps out the window and frolics away, I was crying laughing


The sickest and most laughable part is when the Redneck martial Arts Instructor is trying to teach him how to protect himself from an attacking diddo, and Bruno asks him, What if the attacker has a black dildo, like it would make any difference with the colour of said attacking dildo, I don't know how that Sasha dude keeps a straight face, I give him all the credit in the world for not busting out and laughing!





"We have really boring vanilla sex" -- the scene with his partner where they have this really bizarro sex and act like it's really boring and pedestrian the whole time.

It's spelled Raymond Luxury Yacht, but it's pronounced 'Throat-Warbler Mangrove'


This here

When he used the mexicans as chairs and tables and his interview guest ( i think it was paula abdul) actually uses it. thats how retarded these hollywood people are.


One of my all-time favorite scenes is when Bruno is uncomfortably close to the two swingers while they are fucking and he repeatedly asks the dude to look into his eyes.
