MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Will There Ever be Someone Whom We Hate ...

Will There Ever be Someone Whom We Hate More Than Ramsay?

A few months ago, I turned one of my colleagues on to this show. A few days later he thanked me, and said, "I'm four episodes in and already there's this guy I really hate, I just can't think of his name..."
I instantly said, "Joffrey--but, in a few more seasons there's someone you'll hate even more." When he finally "met" Ramsay, he told me I was right.

With (apparently) two seasons left, will/can the next Big Bad take us to new heights, and who--or what--will s/he/it be? It would have to be someone already in the story, with so little time left. The Night King seems obvious, but he's a monster. Can an actual monster revulse us as much as a monsterous human? The Mountain is another possibility, but he is probably a mindless brute who does the queen's bidding. My choice is Littlefinger, whom I've always thought was the most dangerous player in the game. I think he'll stop at literally nothing to win. What do you think?



I will always hate Sansa more than anyone else, no matter what they do.


Can you please tell us about why you feel this way?


Why do you hate Sansa more than Ramsay, Joffrey, Cersei, and the White Walkers?


I doubt it, simply because there's not enough time left to really build up a good villain to that point, let alone tear them down. Granted, it's GoT, so they may surprise us, but I doubt it. I think the focus will go to the remaining villains this season (whenever it happens, I just want Cersei to die, and I want it to hurt), and then humans v White Walkers in Season 8.


Joffrey was a better one-dimensional villain.


Cersei is much worse than Ramsay. The fact Headey seems incapable of much nuance makes the character even worse. She always has a constipated look underlined with smugness. If a more accomplished actress had been cast perhaps Cersei wouldn't seem like a cartoon villain.


You, my boy, really have no idea what you're watching or saying. While I do agree with you that Cercei is worse than Ramsay, she is also one of the most layered characters on the show and Heady has been amazing portraying all sides of her, from the girl with daddy issues, to a scorned wife, over-protective mother, to a ruthless tyrant. And, while her choice of roles may be called to question, Heady's performances rarely can.


You have proven yourself to be an abysmal judge of acting talent so your opinion is worthless. Her gamut of emotions on GOT consists of a constipated smirk, a constipated sneer and the occasional over the top shrieking and wailing. I'm not surprised you are impressed with that or that you are enamored of yet another mediocre brit actor. You do like following me around, huh?


Yeah, I love trolls. Have ever since I got one for my 6th birthday. It's just adorable seeing how angry deep inside you are. I just wanna roll you up in a blankie and give you a chew toy, scratch you behind the ear.

I bet you're one of those people who are ashamed of their immigrant parents or grand-parents so you lash out at anything non-American. Like being in the closet and going around beating up gay people.

No, I get it, you're a failed actor blaming the Brits grabbing all the good stuff.

Whatever. Like I said a few minutes ago, heil Hitler to you, buddy.


Why are you so obvious with your projecting? You're a transparent bigot and you've admitted you're proud of your deplorable history of racism, sexism, rape and attempted genocide. Every lie you've tried to pass off I've exposed with ease. Yet you still follow me around begging for my attention like some pathetic little fool.

I know the concept is unknown to you but try and have a shred of intelligence and just accept I have bettered you in every way. At this point you are embarrassing yourself further and worse you're wasting my time and have been boring me since your first pathetic attempt to be adversarial.

Here's a suggestion. Try something you've never attempted and be constructive for the first time in your life. You will most likely fail since that seems to be what you're best at but at least you will have tried.

Good luck.



So cute! You remind me of that Mr. Stonerock-something from IMdB. He kept ranting about "third world countries like Europe, London and Norway". I liked him. You're both just adorable.


Unless you can cease being boring stop bothering me.


But, it's fun! People like you amuse me.


People that expose your silly lies and make you look like an idiot amuse you? You're amused easily and often then.


My dear, you've exposed nothing. The fact that you think you did amuses me. Fascinating!


You forgot to tip your fedora at the end


Is that supposed to mean something or did you reply to the wrong person?


oh no I defiantly replied to the right person m'lady


You're a silly little fat kid hiding behind a keyboard making nonsensical comments. It's cute you think that makes you defiant.


Right now I think it's going to be Euron (Urine) Greyjoy, who looks to be in the Joffrey/Ramsay mold. I don't see Littlefinger as that because as much as he schemes he doesn't seem to be a hands on torture guy like the others. I think LF does what he thinks he has to but not necessarily just for pleasure. On the other hand, I do seem to recall him treating some of his prostitutes badly, but my memory isn't want it used to be esp over so many seasons.


But euron killed the sand snakes which kind of makes him a good guy. Since they committed treason and murdered their prince and the innocent myrcella.


Nobody's gonna miss the sand snakes but I think Euron would also kill characters that people like. But maybe once he's King of the Iron Isles, he'll just stay there and torment the locals.


The sand snakes for me. Last night was epic on that front. Especially the strangulation of the second sand snake. Loved it. Traitorous murderous bitches got Euroned!!!!


I guess I must be in the minority, but I liked Ramsay.

Even thought he was sick, he didn't budge for anyone else. Just followed his own sick thinking, could not be corrupted.
