Dany and Drogon

Ok, so she saw Bron shoot the fist arrow at her dragon and she knew were he was. Why would she attack head on with the spear aimed at her? She has the ability to come at him at any angle and she chooses head on. Bron can only do so much moving with the huge device. She could have had him breath fire down on him, even if it does not make it all the way it would make Bron at least run and abandon the device.


The weapon can be adjusted to shoot from different angles. So it wasn't as easy as just coming from a different angle. The best thing would have been to come at him while moving and turning. Not so easy to do.


She has more flexibility and speed than Bron has time to adjust and aim at her. She went straight into the arrows path. It is easier for her than it is for him, point stands.


Yes it is probably easier for her, but it is not as you said in the OP. In the scene, as you note Bronn does readjust for her new angle before firing the second time. Just showing that he can change the angle, and it is not just as simple as moving left or right.


It is as I said. He attempts his first time and Dany saw this. He takes the time to reload and then Dany makes her move head on towards the device. Bron merely lines it up with her approaching the arrow launcher. Had she not kept on that track it would be very hard for him to make a hit.


It's a pretty simple concept. Either he has the ability to re-aim, we saw this, or he doesn't. Anything else is just moving the goalposts.

I already agreed, it would be easier for Danny to move than for Bronn to readjust. That is not say that Bronn Couldn't just move it.

Think of it as I am running towards you with a knife. You have a gun and are looking through the scope to hit me. I run left, yes it is hard for you to make that movement, but not impossible. Not a perfect example cause the gun and scope would be better than the Ballista at adjusting but gives you an idea.


i think the better question is why is he even still alive. he shouldn't have even made it to the weapon or been able to save Jamie in time. i am more annoyed by that.


Because she is mad and vain and overconfident and egotistical. It's no mistake they had davos and missandei speaking so reasonably right before this scene. And Davos says something about switching sides. Missandei told Danaerys not to be the one to attack because it only takes one arrow and no more targaryans. But dany was consumed with her ego. She also burned all the Lannister grain needlessly. She could have just burned the lines of men and then flown away to safety and let the dothraki finish the job. But she is clearly mad with ego in this scene. And Bronn gets the best of her. And nearly Jaime as a result. I definately switched sides while watching her stupidly trying to pull the arrow from the dragons wing when she shouldn't have even been there.
