MovieChat Forums > racerjoe

racerjoe (10)



I personally think Thanos is the one who is going to try and bring her back. He is already feeling the price of losing everything... It's a pretty simple concept. Either he has the ability to re-aim, we saw this, or he doesn't. Anything else is just moving the goalposts. I already agreed, it would be easier for Danny to move than for Bronn to readjust. That is not say that Bronn Couldn't just move it. Think of it as I am running towards you with a knife. You have a gun and are looking through the scope to hit me. I run left, yes it is hard for you to make that movement, but not impossible. Not a perfect example cause the gun and scope would be better than the Ballista at adjusting but gives you an idea. Yes it is probably easier for her, but it is not as you said in the OP. In the scene, as you note Bronn does readjust for her new angle before firing the second time. Just showing that he can change the angle, and it is not just as simple as moving left or right. The weapon can be adjusted to shoot from different angles. So it wasn't as easy as just coming from a different angle. The best thing would have been to come at him while moving and turning. Not so easy to do. See I don't think she did have AI. I heard that is what the filmmakers take, but the movie to me shows the opposite. Every one of her moves was chess like to get out of their including sacrificing an arm, and a pond in the other AI. Think of the guy as just a queen, or some other important chess piece. Vs to have real AI I think there would be more compassion, and she would not have locked him down there to die. There would be another plan for him. The punishment didn't fit the crime, and just made her a murder in the process. Sure she killed Nate already, but he had killed other hers already. Murder for murder is the standard punishment. Just my 2Cents. Probably much like a touch screen on your phone where with the right pressure and yeah it just sends a signal. Umm. I am going to go with the obvious answer that we saw part of and say pleasure... FNL is really good Drama. The football is just a backdrop, the show is about life and relationships. Season one is probably a bit long season 2 is hurt by network interference and the writers strike, but season 3-5 are easily some of the best network TV has to offer. Can't stop the signal. Hidden gems is hard, but the two that come to mind the quickest; Friday Night Lights Firefly I think it has to do a lot with the Michelle edit win a few years ago. So many people called her edit a winners edit, and there was a fair bit of backlash to both her and the edit. View all replies >