Has become a travesty.

Game of thrones has become so poorly written and executed after Martin left that things like ridiculous travel speed and Deus ex Machina saves by Benjen Stark or Bronn are of lesser importance. I lament things like wasting Melisande and Petyr Baelish and that horrible Euron wannabe gangster.

What is left worth watching? All the sense of realism has left and the characters are fluttering in the wind.

Alright I'll probably watch the end of the season this sunday but, like House of Cards, Game of Thrones sucks now. The final better have some titties!


The 'time travel/geography' fuck ups are annoying...but HBO cant continue to spend 5+million per ep without end... I agree and im not a huge fan of immediate raven deliveries and Gendry becoming the greatest sprinter the North has ever seen...
Still, the (slow...) speed of the WW attack on the dumb-ass zombie kidnapper crew, the gigantic chains, all could be attributed to a trap set by the NK to take a dragon for a future attack on the wall
Further, Benjen is now a 'supernatural' type creature and may have been lying in wait to rescue his very naiive but heroic nephew from his own foolish mission choice...
Also, pls dont wait for GRRM to ever finish anything again except for dinner
Finally -if you dont care for GOT anymore i suppose you are not alone (fair enough) but i still find it intriguing and generally excellent week to week ( despite some flaws)...'travesty' is a bit harsh imo


I read " the 100" is supposed to be excellent.


That made no sense...elaborate


"the 100" is a TV series I haven't watched but has a high rating. Thought I'd give it a try.


No reply...
No funny joke...
Fail Ralph
Fun trolls used to have skills


it's not just the Deus ex Machina involving the protagonists but also the Antagonists as well. Cersei and Euron hooking up just in time to help her defeat the Tyrells and enslave the Sand Snakes still bothers me. Also how in the hell did Euron's men build a new fleet when they're stuck on the barren Iron Islands? That made no sense


They had some material/lumber in the north and may have still held Moat Caitlin at that point
Also they were known reavers all along the Stoney Shore and easily took what they wanted from the farmers and fishers there
I DO agree that the 'ludicrous speed' of events and timeline is pretty obnoxious tho...guess we just gotta put up with it


Yeah, I don't mind that Euron's fleet/army can be fiercely productive but the timelines are too convenient.


Fair point BourbonKing


It has become too simplistic and our favorite characters no longer do all that stuff we loved them for. I'm just waiting to see how the show ends, basically.


I hope we don't look back on this and think what a massive waste it has been of a really great story. I think it's just such a huge, complex story, it is understandably taking GRRM a long time to write, but TV doesn't have this same option to take 6+ years between series and so has had to come up with their own ending (although I believe they know the general outline)...

I still really enjoy the show, most of the time leaps don't bother me because I just tell myself that the time has passed, they just don't want to show us all of that because they've got limited time and it's boring (like watching Jamie between killing Olenna and when he meets the dragon, they had to speed it all up).

The deus ex machina does annoy me though - particularly with Benjen turning up just at the right moment.


I understand the need to rush given that there are just a few episodes left to conclude the whole thing, and at some point it actually feels OK because the show dragged for too long in other seasons; but maybe they should put some lines on screen saying "three months have passed" before rushing into an impossible event like apparently armies traveling long distances in a matter of hours, or they should use some sort of device to explain some of this stuff (say, the Watch sending another party after the initial mission to check on them, equipped with ravens, and they'd find Gentry before he had to run all the way back; a scene showing the Night King getting the long chain from some hidden location, to demonstrate that he already had it there waiting for the opportunity, etc.).
