MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Favourite Scenes in the series

Favourite Scenes in the series

My all time favourite scenes are:

- When Tyrion fires Janos Slynt from the kings guard and says to him "I'm not doubting your honour, I'm denying its very existence".
- Tyrion's epic speech during his trial.
- In season six, when the mountain rips off the head of one of the Faith Militant's head.
- Jofferey's death scene.
- Cersie's revenge on Septa Ulna.
- Danyaerys regains control over Mereen.
- The assissination attempt on Danyaerys in the fighting pit and her escape.
- Oberyn vs the Mountain
- Jon becomes king in the north.
- Arya kills the Freys
- Dothraki vs Lannisters.
- Wights break the wall down.

What's your fav scenes?


So many to choose from! But I actually do have a single favorite: The cancellation of Cersei's trial at the Sept of Baylor.

Absolutely AWESOME filmmaking!!! Beautiful, terrifying, shocking, totally game-changing. Scenes like that are why I absolutely love this show, in spite if all its flaws.


Cersei and the Sept of Baelor scene from season 6 finale was my absolute favorite. It was such a well done scene.


Tyrion unchaining the dragons.


For me, and this is strictly for me, my taste and my personal values, although you are most welcome to agree, if my choice resonates with you: Arya sparring with Brienne, where little, tiny Arya demonstrated that she is THE greatest fighter in the whole of Westeros, thus fulfilling one of her most heartfelt hopes. My respect for Brienne has no limits. She has no flaws, and is courage, strength, honor, duty, loyalty and dignity personified. She may very well be a better person than Arya, but she is not as good a fighter, and there is no shame in that. The Mountain is just a mindless Juggernaut, thick of bone and muscle and, as such, lacking any incentive to develop real martial skills. While I grant that he--especially in his Frankenstein's monster incarnation--may be able to kill both of these women, he is not fit to be in the same room with them.

Second best moment: Tyrian's heart-wrenching soliloquy in his trial.

Third-best moment: The death of that little prick Joffrey. I only wish that the scene lasted longer and that he has suffered more. Well played, Jack Gleason!


Jon Snow coming back!
I did a nerdy move back when he was murdered and refused to shave or go to the barbershop (and i told nobody why)
My hair grew really crazy and my beard became long and not that fun to have attached to my face:/
My wife f'ing hated it and the office drones thought i was nuts
I did not care
King in the North!
