MovieChat Forums > erisedwitch45

erisedwitch45 (13)



Yes. so the "childish" "impulsiveness" found in the characters were intentional. Just to show a contrast and an eventual development. I think that's what they were trying to show. Hux is no Tarkin. Kylo is no Vader. They let their emotions take them over. They are not calm and composed in control of their rage. Kylo trying to ape Vader has been pointed out sometimes subtly and sometimes openly by Snoke etc. in the movie. The 1st order is led by these young people who are navigating their own paths, still developing. ^This. Ep 5 - Empire Ep 8 - Last Jedi Ep 4 - New Hope Ep 7 - Force Awakens Ep 6 - Return of the Jedi (those Ewoks -_-) Ep 3 - Revenge of the Sith SW Story - Rogue 1 Ep 1 - Phantom Menace Ep 2 - Attack of the clones Seriously! If anyone literally shines through the movie, it was Luke. I don't understand the hate. Some say that Luke's character arc was not good. Say what? Like you said - this movie made him from awesome to legendary. Yes, I, deep in my heart, still love Star Wars. I didn't feel Rian mismanaged Luke's character. If anything, Luke Skywalker comes off across as the "legend" that the new gen (in the movies) think him to be. He shows why that tag of "legend" and "hope" is worth deserving of him. I think Luke's ending was much better than Han's. Luke saved the rebellion. The true hero in this movie is Luke. Cersei and the Sept of Baelor scene from season 6 finale was my absolute favorite. It was such a well done scene. Love Dibny? - Yes Young Jim Carrey vibe? - Yes Better than Cisco? - No! I too think Dibny is a great addition to the cast. Hope they use more of him and don't give him a half-baked storyline like they did with Tom Felton's character - Julian, last season. I also liked the Becky meta - the one who took someone else's luck. This season has been quite an improvement over season 3. I don't share your enthusiasm of such crossover eps. They did it once in season 3, I think, with Arrow, Supergirl and Flash where some aliens attack Earth. I tried to follow it then. This time, I skipped it wholly. I don't watch any of the other shows (saw 1st season of Arrow). Didn't make much sense to me neither the storyline looked very appealing. View all replies >