Do people even like Star Wars anymore?

Be honest. And yes, I know they make tons of money, but so does the Trump family, and we all hate them. What I'm asking is whether Star Wars has just become a thing that happens once a year that everyone sees because that's what's expected and it's necessary if you want to be part of the conversation for the next couple of weeks. I mean, honestly...the movies just aren't good, and they haven't been good in roughly 34 years. From a storytelling perspective, it's increasingly hard to argue otherwise. Can you, deep in your heart, say that you still love Star Wars?


Loving Trump, SW not so much- MAGA 👍👍👍




This is from someone who was in the theater in 77 when the whole thing started and making the landspeeder float was a huge deal.


That explains you voting for Trump. If there is such a thing as a millennial hardcore Star Wars fan who voted for trump I’ll eat my boot. It seems like Star Wars fans, especially the hardcore ones, are generally good people.


Millennials suck as Star Wars what's for flipping point????🙄🙄🙄🙄


SO much to love about Trump. "He's making the people I don't like angry all the time, for a change...and I believe all the lies he tells me, which makes me happy and justified in my country-destroying choice!"


Did he lie about fixing the economy, dumping TPP, boosting energy dominance, kicking isis ass, fixing the border, combating opioids, protecting unborn, helping veterans, defensive strength, restoring confidence and respect for our country? No he didn't.


Let's start with that last one.

(though we should also address this: [url][/iurl]


That poll was of Americans and is skewed by the Dems that are still extremely butt hurt by the election. He restored the capitol of Israel, has traveled Asia, Middle east, Europe, and Poland building new strong relationships.


He may be accepted by some, but he is a nasty, crass, vulgar, morally reprehensible and anyone who voted for him has a deeply disturbing worldview. I wonder if you believe he saved the phrase "Merry Christmas", too.

"Across Europe there have been large shifts in public views of the US: favourable opinion is down 28 points in Spain, 26 points in the Netherlands and 22 points in Germany. Clear majorities in those nations now hold unfavourable views. And, despite the “special relationship” between the US and the United Kingdom, only 50 per cent of the British view the US favourably, down 11 points from 2016."

"Latin Americans are lukewarm, at best, toward the US. About half of Colombians, Peruvians, Brazilians and Venezuelans express a positive attitude. Mexicans are unfavourable by more than two to one – 30 per cent positive, 65 per cent negative."

"Since 2002, when Pew Research first asked about America’s image abroad, favourable opinion of the US has frequently tracked with confidence in the president. Views of Trump are significantly lower than those of Obama at the end of his term. A median of 22 per cent has confidence in Trump to do the right thing when it comes to international affairs, compared with a median of 64 per cent who expressed confidence in Obama. The decline is especially pronounced among the populations of some of America’s closest allies: Sweden, down 83 points; Germany, 75 points; France, 70 points; the UK, 57 points; and Japan, 54 points."




Jaws was never my scene and I don't like Star Wars (anymore)


Settle down, Freddie.


Careful. Bicycle seats lead to erectile dysfunction!


i freakin love star wars, the prequels left a bad taste and i was down about it but the OT used to cheer me up wheneveer i watched them, and when the Sequels were announced i was so freakin happy.

Absolutly freakin loved the trailers for TFA and really enjoyed the movie, likewise with Rogue One, must say i felt a bit uneasy with TLJ trailers, it didnt have the same spark as i had for TFA, and thats how i viewed the movie, it didnt have a spark at all , i didnt enjoy it , its my least most enjoyable cinema star wars experience, ive seen Empire, ROTJ, Clones, ROTS, TFA, RO and TLJ at the cinema and i came out so conflicted, i didnt really like clones but that was more the way it was made, CGI etc, but still thought it was a bloody good story , TLJ, i just didnt dig , i so wish i did.


I never liked it, to me it's just there. I would watch Star Wars films and my brain would disconnect because it was so boring and convoluted and just lame. The original ones haven't aged well.


Love it! I've enjoyed each of the new movies and look forward to new ones coming out. I love watching them and talking about them.

I'm sure it's disappointing that they haven't met your expectations, but I love them!


That’s the thing that The Last Jedi made me realize, though. I no longer have any expectations because I no longer care. These new Disney films just feel like fan fiction to me. Without George Lucas, it’s not the real thing. At least to me. I was just curious if anyone else feels the same way nowadays.


I don't have expectations, either. I don't read about movies or watch anything, including the trailers. I just show up at the show, sit down and enjoy. And then talk about it insistently for a few weeks after that!

It doesn't mean I think the movies are perfect or there aren't things that bother me. But I really do love them.


George was doing more harm than good, I think. I think Disney brought back what the fans wanted not what George wanted.


But IS this what the fans wanted?


Good question. I think if you ask 10 SW fans what they want, you'll get 10 different answers. What I don't want is a bunch of inside references to old material and a bunch of fandom cameos. I didn't feel we got too much of that this time around.


That's what I feel as well. I watch but there's no inherent excitement and I feel very ho hum about the whole thing especially with Luke gone. And honestly, it does feel like fan fiction, like it's no longer canon as Lucas has nothing to do with it anymore. I think he is a visionary but is not a very good people director nor a very good script writer. But his imagination and vision for Star Wars is exceptional.


Yes, I, deep in my heart, still love Star Wars.


I do! This movie was pretty good overall, greatness mixed with not-so-greatness.

I really need to get around to seeing Rogue One. The problem I had with that is the trailers never showed me anything that looked remotely interesting.


Seriously? You didn't want to see more classic Death Star action?


I did watch some of Rogue One, like pieces of the final battle, and I especially had to check out the Death Star cannon firing onto the planet's surface.


Also checked out Tarkin and Leia, which both looked... Okay. Just okay.


To a large degree, I would say no. They don't like Star Wars, they just like plot twists. Ever since the Force Awakens came out, people have gone wild with speculation about plot twists and "shocking reveals," so much so that they come off as not even caring about the fantasy/adventure angle of it, which is what it has always been about for me.


Ever since the Force Awakens came out, people have gone wild with speculation about plot twists and "shocking reveals,"

To be fair, Empire Strikes Back kicked that off long ago, ROTJ did it with Leia/Luke, and the prequels did too with stuff like Order 66 and Anakin going after the younglings.
