What Will Bronn Do?

What did you guys make out of the scene with Bronn & Qyburn? Do you think he’s actually going to do anything to Jaime or Tyrion like kill them?

Well as for me of course I don’t believe in a million years that’s going to happen. It’s going to be like the scene in “Braveheart” where King Edward was sure the Irish were going to fight for him but when they met the Scots on the battlefield, everyone stopped & shook hands & embraced each other & then banded together to fight against Edward & he British.

It’ll be the same here, Bronn will go to Winterfell, catch up with Jaime, maybe jokingly threaten him with the crossbow & then laugh & reunite with him & Tyrion & join up with them & everyone else.

Bronn has to know that Qyburn’s claim “That there’s a chest brimming with gold waiting for you” is bullshit. C’mon! He probably knows that that’s it for him & if he gets killed in the process then so much the better, & if he gets back well then he’ll be taken care of by Ser Robert Strong. After all he was Jaime’s right hand, Cersei’s got no use for that.

He said “sure” just to be able to get the hell out of there since they were the ones who supplied him with the excuse to cut & run. What do you all think?


I sure hope you're right. I'll be bitterly disappointed if Bronn goes to the dark side.

The only thing that gives me pause is a comment Jerome Flynn made expressing concern that his character wasn't going to be universally loved anymore after the season, but that could have been a giant head fake/misdirection by him.


Hes a smart man, all that gold isnt gonna last once he saw the fearsome undead army.
