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Jeepster (1032)


Don Vincent.. Gamera Needs To Be….. Gandolph Fitch Observations & Musings Regarding the Show…. List Your Favorite Scott Roles Here… Two Endings - Myth? Doesn’t Make Sense……….Spoilers! As Fas As I’m Concerned.. Michael’s Speech… Yeah I Remember This! View all posts >


No on Megalon, millsey72. He was always my least liked kaiju & even with the “serious” treatment, I don’t think they could do much for him in any forthcoming Godzilla movie. Plus I don’t like the Atlantis side story either. Gigan would be a better bet than Megalon. Nah, another separate universe. You mind as well go for broke & do what it takes to get Gamera here than the kaiju’s of Pacific Rim. We love to criticize the human cast in Godzilla movies. Think of how much worse that would be with the dweebs that were in PR. It REALLY would be unbearable. Plus you can’t explain to my satisfaction that if the universes were said to exist together then why not have those robots trying to control Godzilla or on Skull Island making sure all is peaceful, etc? Plus by the reverse token you can’t explain “Ok then where was Godzilla & all the rest in those movies?” He’d be #1 on their list. If you want to bring them both together in other words then it’s hard to explain why they were even absent at all. I’m not sure what you meant by that but I’m interested in learning. Are you talking about a specific person? Upsetting as it may sound to you, speaking for me as a long time fan of the movies, it’s time to put Max to rest. He’s been out in the wasteland for how long now? He’s old,tired, dirty, not living his best life, it’s time to hang em’ up, & let him die. The magic of movies is to find a way to keep people young indefinitely no matter how many years go by. Max, Bond, (insert your choice here), etc, but it shouldn’t be that way I think. Time to let him die in a future MM movie & put his character to rest. We know where he came from, we know where he’s been, but face it, he’s not going anywhere, there is no future in that world. It’s the only other arc that he has now. Do the right thing & retire him with grace. You’re mad! I’ve liked her ever since her first movie “The Witch” which she was great in & quite attractive I might add. Let me ask you something, you didn’t find her attractive in “Last Nigh in SoHo?” Something’s wrong with you dude. You know, you’re 100% right! THAT’S where I read it & had that idea for most of my life. FMOFL was my bible as a monster loving child back then. When you look back at it, you can see how it was actually a crappy magazine with its black & white monochrome type & the feel of the pages. But nothing made me happier back then. What I do remember is that this had some tie ins with “Knots Landing” as in Howard Duff’s character was supposedly the father or step father of William Devane’s character on Knots who played Greg Sumner. Exactly how else it ties in I do not know. Maybe you had trouble reading what i had posted but they already had their fight & an agreement of sorts was reached. Zilla knows what Kong is all about, especially since he helped him in his fight with MechaG. Again, why the “You must die!” Tude? Btw smart guy, the name of the movie ISN’T Godzilla vs. Kong. There’s a whole thread about the title here. People are interpreting it as “Godzilla X= AND Kong” If you liked it so much then at least call it by its proper name. “Children of Dune”. Yes I liked it too. Streisand was never in “The Gauntlet”. Clint’s main squeeze at the time Sondra Locke is the woman you’re thinking of. Trust me I couldn’t picture her in that movie. The movie that Barbra WAS considered for was “Sudden Impact” but that fell through & again……Locke. View all replies >