Sansa, again.

"I swear to never tell this secret."

"Pssst, Tyrion. Wanna hear a secret?"

Do the writers think they are building up her character or destroying it?


How true..
Why couldn't they have let it leak some other way...maybe Tyrion overhearing Sansa and Arya discussing it?


No disrespect Tex but I see that the point sort of went over your head. You’re focused on Sansa for some reason but that’s not what the scene is about. They’re (The writers/producers) are highlighting the absurdity of it all.

Think of anybody in your life. Wife, girlfriend, son, daughter, co-worker. ‘Honey, got a HUGE secret that you HAVE to PROMISE NEVER tell anybody!” Wife: ‘Oh okay SURE!” Then she’s doing the entire circuit “Let me tell you what Tex just told me!”

It’s actually supposed to be funny as it’s intentionally poking fun at ALL of us. We all very well recognize this unavoidable slice of human frailty which I’m sure the writers are trying to communicate. Teens, women, spouses & siblings could’ve told you this without batting an eyelash so why are judging Sansa for it? She never was the point of it all.


I had a different take because he actually looked towards Bran for guidance in that scene. Even though Bran left it up to him, I think Jon took Bran's answer to mean it wouldn't matter one way or the other to the ultimate outcome if he told them or not. Otherwise, we'd expect Bran to tell him which choice to make.


I prefer this take but I'm not sure how much credit to give the writers..


Really? I thought it was pretty peculiar Bran was in that scene at all unless it was to serve that purpose.

If it was really about Jon being dumb telling his blabbermouth sisters I wouldn't expect Bran to play such a prominent part in getting Jon to feel comfortable enough with the disclosure. I had the impression if Bran wasn't there he wouldn't have said anything.


True..Jon did look to Bran for I guess Bran's ambiguous reply means it either doesn't matter or that Bran wants Jon to feel in charge of his own fate regardless of the outcome.
But what did Bran say earlier to Tyrion about not wanting anything or not caring about anything anymore?
One would hope that Bran still cares enough to steer Jon from bad choices when asked.


Jon never follows anyone's advice, he will gladly listen and then do what he was always going to do. He was always going to tell Sansa regardless of what Bran might say.


Guess it just depends on the friends and family you have. Sure there is one aunt in the family that couldn't keep a secret if her life depended on it, but everyone knows that. However the remaining people never gossip or break anyone's confidence. So I don't think it has much to do with the writers trying to poke fun at everyone as much as it was just a plot device to move the story on, or it is because they are going to create the next Cersi out of Sansa and this is part of her growth toward becoming the evil queen.


re: "or it is because they are going to create the next Cersi out of Sansa and this is part of her growth toward becoming the evil queen. "

Hard to develop anything with just 2 episodes left -


True it was wishful thinking that the writers had some real plan rather than just throwing out things to get to the end they want.


If they were going for comedy, it wasn't very funny. This was not some trivial secret. Her father died having protected the secret for his whole life, despite the pain it brought to Jon and to Catelyn, because of the serious consequences that would follow if it were revealed. The consequences are different at the time of season 8, but they are still serious and could lead to many people being killed.

I'm judging Sansa because it's yet another example of her second-guessing and undermining Jon, this time despite having explicitly sworn to do the opposite.


There is no way that was supposed to be funny. Now, Tormund crying on The Hound's shoulder was funny.


Sansa told Jon's secret because she doesn't trust Dani to make a good ruler. She knew Tyrion would tell Varys and that would help put Jon on the throne.

Sansa has become cunning.


Thank you!!!

Some people are just beyond comprehension.

Sansa doesn't trust that Dany will be a good ruler, and she knows Jon will be a good ruler, especially for the north, so Sansa, right or wrong, didn't care about the promise she made. She thinks Jon's mind is clouded because of Dany. She told Tyrion and knew how it would spread, and is going to let it all play out.


She thinks so highly of Jon as a ruler that she continually backbites him and undermines him? If she has so much faith in Jon, she should trust his decisions. Dany magically hatched three dragons and built up an army over many years, then put all of it on the line to defend the North before even capturing the Iron Throne. That is why Jon decided to give her his loyalty.

While Sansa was hiding in a crypt, Dany was out on the field of battle risking her life to defend Sansa's home.


Haha, don't take it so personally. I'm just stating why I think Sansa told the secret to Tyrion.

I'm not defending or rooting for anyone in particular. I just enjoy watching the show.

If Dany doesn't take the throne I hope you're going to be ok. Lol.


I think Sansa did the right thing.

Dani made it clear that she wants to rule over all of the seven kingdoms. Sansa has reasons to be opposed to that.

1. Dani is foreigner.

2. She’s the daughter or the Mad King that killed her grandfather.

Plus, Sansa has developed a keen sense of reading people thanks to Littlefinger and through her experiences with Joffrey and Ramsey. Dani is showing tendencies of a tyrant and Sansa can see that.

She came to the same conclusion Tyrion and Varys arrived at. Jon is the best person that can unite the seven Kingdoms and rule justly.

She did the right thing. I probably would have done the same.


So, you are untrustworthy and ungrateful.


When keeping a secret causes more harm than good, you bet I am untrustworthy.

Besides, Sansa has nothing to be grateful towards Dani. The White Walkers were as much a threat to Winterfell as to King’s Landing.


The hell she was. How is she being grateful when when all she does is give her a bitchy attitude and not thanking her and plotting behind her back? And how does the secret not being told harmful? As soon as the secret was told it started causing fractures within the the group when they should be all banded together to fight a common enemy? It reveals that sansa is a untrustworthy liar who broke her promise. Hope that people do not share sensitive information with you.


*sigh* I hate being right on this.


I blame Sansa for all of it.


It was a stupid secret to share as him being the rightful King affects everyone. Especially his immediate family who also gain to benefit from it. And it seems no one is liking Daenerys.


Sansa just pisses me off. Another self-righteous ginger bitch.
