MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Possible reboot of the last two seasons?

Possible reboot of the last two seasons?

This is, of course, hopefully, after GRRM completes the book series, but I'm wondering if maybe the last two seasons of GoT could be completely remade in at least five years time, to reflect the final book(s)? I've heard talk of rebooting the entire show after a decade or even just a few years, but the show until the end of S6 is perfect as it is.

I can't think of any problems doing this, except maybe die-hard GoT purists insisting that the original S7/S8 are fine (rubbish!), and the actors may no longer be available nor the sets be around, still, but it's a possibility, right?


I wouldn’t be surprised if they make a new adaption in as little as 20 years time, I’m sure we’ll get another version one day, just like Roots (which was a phenomenon of its time) got remade years later.


Can't imagine the last couple of seasons being redone, but yes I can envisage the whole show being given a reboot in many years from now. Only, it's not going to have the same impact as this one, seeing as we'll all be already aware of how the story goes. Part of what's made this special for me as a non-reader of the books is that it's all a new story.

I guess we'll just have to wait until the next legendary TV series pops up. Before this it was Breaking Bad. After this there will be more.





LOL they're not gonna remake the show, unless they do the Dornish version.


Cool, you can see the future?


It won't happen. Maybe if were lucky a film adaptation will happen.


Cool, you can see the future?




I hope so. That's why I also hope the next 2 episodes are also garbage. So we get a better chance of it when HBO realize what a terrible mistake they've made.


There are much better authors than GRRM in the genre. I'd rather they did a series based on Joe Abercrombie's books. Maybe Daniel Polanski. We have The Witcher series coming up but so far it looks like they are going to focus solely on socially relevant issues.


GRRM will never finish his books.

The crappy show ending is all we'll ever get.
