MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Jacob Anderson, the worst miscasting in ...

Jacob Anderson, the worst miscasting in the history of television as Grey Worm...

That's all that needs said. Most know this. I was barely convinced this guy was an actor, let alone the most ferocious warrior on the planet. One of the biggest weaknesses in one of the greatest shows ever made.


i wouldnt even know which charakter or actor this was.

dude was just a simp

but he played the ball-less man quite convincing lol


Oh, you're an expert on how an angry man with no dick looks and behaves?

Funny how many there are on this board...


What I thought was most laughable about the unsullied in general was their 'armor'. Ridiculously bad.

But yes the guy had very little badassery about him.


I guess that is partially the fault of directors, he should have been put through some action scenes because unlike the mountain he was not built like a warrior.


When reading the books, I pictured the late Woody Strode as Greyworm, not some twinky little teenage Barack Obama type.
Woody Strode:


I thought the mountain was too far on the other end of the scale. A guy that size is going to be relatively slow, and lacking in endurance.

If Grey Worm was as skilled with a spear as the unsullied are supposed to be, he could probably best The Mountain.

The problem is he just doesn't look the part. He would have more much more muscle definition and if their training is as brutal as their original master claimed he would have plenty of scars on those pretty arms (especially since that silly armor leaves them completely exposed).


The mountain might not be that great fighting one on one with a skilled martially artist, especially with sharp swords and light clothing. But on battle fields with heavy armour and a large weapon, he would be a great force.

A warrior is fundamentally different from a martial artist.




Oberyn was a total badass who bested the Mountain without breaking a sweat but he was way too cocky for his own good. If he wanted the confession so badly, he should've just cut the tendons in Mountains arms and legs, leaving him alive but helpless to pull that skull crushing trick.


Precisely. He could have easily won. He did not even have to disable both of his arms, just one would have been enough.


> If Grey Worm was as skilled with a spear as the unsullied are supposed to be, he could probably best The Mountain.

Long as he doesn't let the Mountain get his thumbs on him.


Tell me: how is a warrior built, based on your extensive personal experience? Or do you just read comic books?


I find the concept of unsullied army to be ridiculous in general, how would they be able to grow any musclemass w/o the balls to produce enough testosterone? They'd be the weakest army in the whole wide world.


Not to mention, that once they were freed, and they presumably started to feel they were people who had something to live for, they'd lose that instantaneous suicidal obedience that gave them an edge over warriors who wanted to live. I would think that going into battle without the normal human need to protect the self gave them something of an advantage, perhaps one that might compensate for the lack of muscular strength, but of course they'd have lost whatever advantage that gave them under Danerys.

What can I say! Sometimes GRRM was so busy thinking of shocking stuff to throw into his story, that he didn't think the shocking things through.


Would be tough being freed, slowly realizing you're not a robot anymore, and then looking in your pants to be reminded you have limited options for the future too. Could cause some motivational issues among them.


Wasn't there a short scene of one of those guys just paying a hooker to hold him comfortingly, like a mother? Can you imagine what psychological messes they are!

You'd expect some of them to crack up completely, or to decide that life isn't worth living, and realize that all freedom has brought them is the right to die on their own terms... NOT obeying the order to die. And maybe others realize they really want to live in spite of everything, and stay with their cohort but they've lost the fearlessness that made them formidable. So really, they shouldn't have been all that effective against the heavily armored warriors of Westeros, who would also have the advantage of being appropriately dressed for the climate.



Alex, you did not pay attention. I know: someone on the internet who does not pay attention! Whod’a thunk it. In ep. 2.7 it was made clear that the Unsullied has their COCKS chopped off, a conceit that I think was created by Ernest Hemingway in A Farewell to Arms; so, lots of manjuice, no way to dispense it.
