Are People Really This Dumb?

I think I only watch this show anymore because it is such a train wreck.

But there have been at least ten players lately that miss almost every question they are asked. I mean, okay, I can see having a brain fart and missing one easy question, but not missing eight or nine questions out of ten! These people flounder badly and just blurt out random answers.

And even when they have a big clue they miss. Like the one question, "What metallic element, abbreviated Zn, is found in beef and other meats?" Her immediate answer was, "Iron." I mean, come on! There are only about ten common words that begin with the letter "Z" -- pick one!

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


I know the answer to virtually every question.

And I daydreamed all the way thru school.

If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed. If you are misinformed---Mark Twain
