MovieChat Forums > The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) Discussion > Who would you cast instead of Leo DiCapr...

Who would you cast instead of Leo DiCaprio?

I don't know what it is but I just can't take this guy seriously in most roles, he has too much of a baby face. It doesn't help that he sounds like he's going through puberty when he screams and his voice cracks.

I think Ed Norton would've done a good job, and Day Lewis would'e been interesting.


Nobody. This is DiCaprio's best role by far. The fact he won the Oscar for the Revenant and not this is a joke.


100% for sure.


Nobody. DiCapro killed this role.


I was never crazy about DiCaprio & always thought he was a bit overrated. That being said, The Departed and The Wolf of Wall Street where the only roles of his that truly worked for me. And no thanks to Edward Norton who's been riding on the laurels of Fight Club (Fincher's directing and Pitt's performance make the movie) & that insanely overrated neo Nazi movie
that Edgelord keyboard Nazis have been masturbating to for the past 20+ years.


I'd cast Hunter Biden, he has his own prostitutes and dope.


sure, when hunter biden does it, he's a villain and a menace. when leo's character does it in this movie, he's a hero and role model.


A black transgender would be perfect if they did a remake. Any ideas on who?


Jake Gyllenhaal


Or a drunk ocelot. 😈​
