MovieChat Forums > Redbelt (2008) Discussion > For those of you who don't 'Get it'...

For those of you who don't 'Get it'...

To watch this movie is to realize that it took real guts to make it in the first place. This movie is about honor, integrity and being truthful to one's self and one's belief's. The reason I say it takes guts is because the "Bad Guy" in this movie is HOLLYWOOD. Not Tim Allen's character per se but the entertainment machine. It grabs everything with any virtue and turns it into a greedy whore of an industry. Chet comes across as a good man who really listens to Mike's philosophies. It's his manager (Mantegna) who does the stolen watch drive by that screws everything up. We're further introduced to the way relationships work in hollywood... they don't. Not unless you're willing to be used or sell out your beliefs. Jiu Jitsu just happens to be the best vehicle to explain these points contrasting a style of martial art, largely thought of as the most violent, being taught by a main character that comes off as the most gentle of souls. Mike Terry is the honorable character, who I'll admit seem to be too naive & trusting for his age while living in L.A., surrounded by backstabbing plastic people including his wife who turns on him, that series of circumstances leads to a suicide.
The fight at the end starts with the student teaching the teacher (the slap) Even Terry has to get his mind right and realize that the battle is about what he loves and who he is Jiu Jitsu. And that he has to keep it from being ruined the same way everyone around him has. Seemingly minor characters stay close to him at the end and we realize they have the most important thing in common. That which is real and everlasting. The truth, real respect, honor and just being real. Did ANY of you notice how the samurai belt was accepted with honor but given away? he thing worth money was respectfully tossed aside. It was the Red Belt that was honored as it is a symbol of the man. Of balance and all the important thing hollywood has lost.

This movie was a slight against the industry it was made in and a great many of the people working in it. Deservedly so. If you guys don't see that for the genius it is.... Then maybe you should be sweating the details of the shot or the dialogue. You're missing the bigger picture. It's not just a film. This was a good lesson.


Here here. Im giving this a bump because this is the exact correct interpretation of the film. I see you also referenced one of my favorite lines further down which I didnt know was Mamet "What one man can do another can do."

Also I feel kinda bad for all those folks that rented this expecting a martial arts action flick and can only chuckle to myself at how bored and frustrated they must have been. Too bad for them if they missed out on a great story about honor and what it means to be an honorable person even in the face of difficult personal circumstance. But hey we live in times where theres not much honor to go around, so it can be difficult to recognize and comprehend even as it is romanticized in film right before your eyes.

There is NO Gene for the Human Spirit.



Before i say anything i did really like the movie and i got the message.....but im just one of those people that questions little things in the movie no matter how good lol.
Did those women avoid terrys wifes calls or did they just give her the wrong number? Why even do something like that? I thought he was was working on set with the womens husband, didnt she think that would be awkward to make an order she never wanted to get or was that agent guy the cause of it? Im not trying to be a wise ass i just have real questions. Also what do you think happened between him and his wife after the movie?
Thanks for reading(:


I seriously do not get the hate towards this movie. I'm a casual (dumb) movie watcher who loves horror flicks, and I loved this one ! I'm no fan of anyone involved in this movie yet I've seen it about five times.

Those who label it as some 'lame, slow-paced, idiotic' movie should seriously think about getting their head examined.

Red-Belt had a great message (mostly like the OP said); how in today's world we all knowingly or unknowingly make things like honor & truth second priority in comparison to so-called 'entertainment'. How many of you prefer WWF stuff to a Judo match ? And don't let me start on the 'being truthful' stuff. With our petty reasons we all take the backdoor to get things done (and we make fun of anyone/anything that tries to point this fact out).

It didn't occurred to me even once that it was a slow-paced movie because of the performances.

A gem of a movie and I loved it - period -

In wine there's wisdom, in beer there's freedom, in water there's... Bacteria

