MovieChat Forums > Megalopolis (2024) Discussion > Casting Driver a Mistake

Casting Driver a Mistake

I hate Adam Driver. His weird pseudo-mystrious face and his beady eyes may appeal to some women but not me. I find Driver to be an incredibly overrated actor who lacks depth but who keeps getting cast for some obscure reason. I admire Coppola and his work but this casting disaster has ruined any sense of anticipation I had about seeing Megalopolis.


Yeah, I agree. Driver must have the best agent in Hollywood or someone in position must really love this guy.


Or like Nicholas Cage, who is Coppola's nephew. There is a ton of stealth nepotism in Hollywood.


I agree with you on Adam Driver. I can barely stand to look at his weird face for the length of a movie, and his acting ability doesn't impress me.

>> His weird pseudo-mystrious face and his beady eyes may appeal to some women but not me.

Does this mean you are a women, and if so, Herman is an odd name to choose.


probably her dog's name


Aww that's too bad. I'm going to see the movie anyway. Adam Driver isn't ugly enough for me to pass on this movie.


I concur.

I just don't understand Adam Driver. He has nothing.

He's not actively offensive to me, enough to put me off seeing something, say like a Di Crapio or a Brad Pitt, but he has no presence at all.


How can you not like Brad Pitt?


I used to hate Pitt and DiCrapio, but some of their later movies like Pitt's Fury and the two of them in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood kind of redeemed them in my eyes. I still hate Driver, though.


Pitt has been in masterpieces like Se7en and Fight Club, so I have to tolerate him (he did almost ruin 12 Monkeys for me). DiCaprio hasn't been in any my favourite movies, so I don't care what he does.


Nah, he's a good actor whose presence actually helped some movies. I will say though that he seems to have the worst luck for an actor making all the right choices on paper and with the notoriety that he has in Hollywood at the moment.
Think about it. He's appeared either as the lead or a supporting player in movies helmed by the likes of Coppola, Steven Spielberg, Clint Eastwood, Martin Scorsese, Jim Jarmusch, Terry Gilliam, Ridley Scott, Spike Lee, Noah Baumbach, Steven Soderbergh, Michael Mann, Jeff Nichols and of course J.J. Abrams in the SW sequels.
That's an insane resume for any major actor at his age. And yet really, the only ones that were commercially successful were the Star Wars sequels;forgot about Lincoln but he's got a very small role in that.
I'm not sure who else to compare him with because it's a unique situation to be a widely recognized actor and work with so many accomplished filmmakers. And yet the vast bulk of them are not box office hits.


I think he must be very easy to get along with and rewarding to work with. Probably a top bloke.

I have to agree though that he isn't attractive, charismatic or in any way a draw. No potential audience member is buying a ticket because they see his name on the poster.

It seems to be a mismatch between what film-makers like and what audiences want.


Driver has got to be the least attractive dude in Hollywood who's getting lead roles. Whenever I see his nasty mug I want to skip the film.
