Silas - framed or psychotic?

The situation seems a little convenient. Jealous guy tries to kill his rival and dad gets in the way. But there's also a blood trail leading out of the room and he's still there. So did Percy kill his old man?

I have this nagging suspicion that the two of them are actually a plant by the Civic Republic. Their old "friend" Elizabeth providing a little help to get them where they're going. Since they met the two supposed grifters, they've gotten themselves a truck, a chart of Civic Republic fuel depots they can gas up at, and the secret decoder filters they needed to read the map Elizabeth gave them. But if so, Tony getting his skull bashed in probably wasn't part of the plan. Was he having second thoughts perhaps? Thinking of spilling the beans, and his undercover "nephew" needed to deal with his treason?

Just my thought. If this is Silas reverting to his violent nature and nothing more that'll be disappointing. I want to know why he tried to kill his own father. It might not be as bad as it looks. Maybe the guy was abusive and beat the shit out of his mother, or Silas found out he was molesting his younger sister and lost it, something like that.


I hope you're right, mainly as I would hate to lose the Silas character. Wouldn't be much of a gang left without him.


I don't trust Percy. He's too perfect, always saying and doing exactly the right thing to make people lower their guard. I bet he's special forces, or secret police - whatever they call the Civic Republic gestapo. A true patriot. His normal job is probably to infiltrate groups of would be revolutionaries inside the Republic. That sort of thing. That's my prediction. Could be totally wrong of course.


Well, you were almost right. One of them was a CRM plant!


Yeah, I was just wrong about who it was. The writers did a good job making Percy seem shady to keep suspicion away from anyone else in the group. Did not see that coming. Especially after that flashback to Huck saving the civilians she was ordered to kill, who would've thought?


Framed 100%.

The scene right before the end of tonight's episode makes it perfectly clear :D
