MovieChat Forums > Argo (2012) Discussion > A white guy playing a mexican is totally...

A white guy playing a mexican is totally ok but......

....everyone loses their mind when a mariachi kid sings the american national anthem!

How come is this ok? Ben Affleck can't even act for sh!.t. A real talent like Edward James Olmos or Damián Alcazar could've played the role just fine. If Tony Mendez wasn't played by a whitney this overrated piece of junk wouldn't have won the Oscar for best picture.


For pointless posts like these is why IMDB shut the boards down...




If two black guys can wear white face and play "White Chicks" then a white actor can play a character with a Spanish name.


The OP and the debate on this are particularly silly in light of the fact that the real life CIA operative said he was “not Hispanic,” grew up in Nevada, never spoke a word of Spanish, and had no problem with Afleck in the role


Tony Mendez (half Mexican, half European) reportedly (according to IMDB) did not have a problem with Affleck portraying him.


If you actually look at an image of Mendez, he looks more black tham latino or white.
