MovieChat Forums > Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) Discussion > So Thor was my son's favorite hero and r...

So Thor was my son's favorite hero and role model.

He was Thor for Halloween when he was 9. He has the action figures, comic books etc. He loved Thor and wanted to be just like him.

Then they made Thor into a fat beer swilling goofy loser and now Thor is going to be a woman.

Now my son is a DC Batman fan. Thanks a lot Marvel. Go Puck yourselves.



You don't seem to understand what a role model means for a kid.

When I was a kid, I used to watch old BW movies in the TV, and my heroes were the characters played by James Stewart, Cary Grant, John Wayne... When you're a kid, you like to watch those characters in the movies and say 'when I'll grow up, I'll be like that'. A role model is a goal, a purpose, something to grow up towards, and that's what makes it important when you're a kid.

A fat guy with depression can be good material for an indie drama, but for sure it's not good material for a role model.



This aint Thor, this is cuck Thor, never been a fan of Marvel Thor, I prefer the red headed orginal!

I'd love to see a film about mythological Thor some day in the style of 300 with Twilight Of The Thunder God as the theme tune, now that theres a greater interest in him.


Dude, this is what real viking music looked like:


Love that!


Then I have more for you.

Wardruna. This type of music, probably it's the most known group.

Gjallarnhorn. Those has been around for quite a while

Danheim. They have their full albums free in their youtube channel

Hedningarna. They were the first great viking folk group, the grandpas. 'Trä' (album) is a bloody masterpiece.


Faun. If you wanna go beautiful medieval german.

Bonus track 1. Heilung Lifa, the clip from the previous comment, here you have the full live concert.

Bonus track 2. This is mongol metal folk, but it's so f*cking good


How did you ever get a son when you so clearly hate women?

And thor wasnt a fat beer swilling goofy loser, he was suffering from PTSD.


Obviously, I abducted a woman and keep her in my basement as a brood mare, dumbass. How else?

You seem to have a habit of jumping to drastic conclusions based on slim evidence, so I just did it for you.


“they made Thor into a fat beer swilling goofy loser and now Thor is going to be a woman.”

Your words, not mine.


Sorry, I just can't see the hate implicit in that. Where is it? If you got angry about a proposed Wonder Woman remake with a man in the role, would that mean you hated men?


Look a little closer, you’ll see it. You’re too focused on that one issue. Pull out, look at your sentence.


Sorry, I don't see it. But then, I'm not a Liberal who is full of hyperbole and makes drastic accusations to 'prove' a point. Maybe next you can accuse me of Nazism? Oh, and you might make a case for fat-shaming and alcoholic-shaming too!


Strawmaning? That’s not gonna change what you wrote. I guess if you really do t see it, it’s a question of understanding language. So either you hate women, or you’re stupid.


No. I think you're just a hyperbolic troll.


Where’s the hyperbole?


You saying that the fact I am upset that they are changing Thor into a woman = hatred of women is hyperbole.


I didn’t say that. Like I said, read your sentence again.


Also, that’s not what hyperbole is.


Hyperbole, from a Greek word meaning "excess," is a figure of speech that uses extreme exaggeration to make a point or show emphasis.

You are claiming that my unhappiness with woman-Thor = hatred of women. Clearly extreme exaggeration. Therefore, hyperbole.

I still cannot see the point you are trying to make. My sentence outlines two separate transformations of the character that I do not like. Maybe you are implying that I think women are fat drunken losers because I mentioned them in the same sentence? Whatever. I do not know what nonsense is running through your strange little pointy head.

My conclusions in this matter are that you are sort of nuts.


Yeah, you’re not using it right. That’s ok, though. As it’s not the point. Clearly, understanding language is your problem. That’s why you can’t see what it is that you said even though it was highlighted for you. You’re now to busy pulling strawmen to be bothered to figure out what it was that you said.

Too busy trying to be righteous about gender switches. The hilarity of this is that this is a well known story in the comics. You’ve knee jerked a reaction without knowing any real facts. And now, you have no choice but to double down on your ignorance by attacking me with strawmen and whataboutisms. You need to take a long hard look at yourself.


Why don't you take a long hard look at my butt?


Good one🙄


"Too busy trying to be righteous about gender switches. The hilarity of this is that this is a well known story in the comics."

Lol, really. It ran from 2015 to 2018 and sold terribly and due to this they killed her off.

The comic was a straght up gender swap, once again appropriating something made famous by a male character and simply swapping to female and assuming everyone will like it. As we are seeing this is not the case in comic and on film, some work, some don't.

Also this is the biggest point that all the ones who argue for this is that by disagreeing and/or not liking a gender swapped character does not make you sexist, does not make you afraid of woman which i find is the stupidist arguement ever. Seriously how can straight men who date/marry/have sex with/fall in love with and basically everything to do with woman be afraid of them, it is laughable. Yeh i don'tlike this so that means i'm terrified of my wife and 2 daughters, yeh that makes sense, unbelievably stupid reason.

Jane Foster becoming Thor had nothing to do with creatng new storylines or new characters, it was just to follow the current trend that white men must be put down to raise woman and everyone else up. This is not a 50 year old stoyline it is one that ended due to sales tanking less than 2 years ago. Just look at current headlines stating that it is ok to basically steall all characters made famous by white men/characters and switch them to woman but not allowed the other way, i doubt you will see the hypocrisy.

Men and woman off all races and colours disliked this Jane Foster storyline and so was ended with her death, so hopefully the film will follow suit (i doubt it).


All of that being true, doesn’t change the fact this isn’t a new idea. The often take ideas from the comics and reimagine them. “Thor” isn’t being gender swapped. “HE” is still in the story. You people knee jerk too hard to gender/race swaps. Poor white men.🙄


You set a nice trap there.

If he denies, you got him because even accepting his position, it was clearly exaggerated. So you show he doesn't know his own arguments. If he doubles down and says there's no relation, exaggerated or not, between unhappiness with female Thor and hate, then he would arguing against his own position.

A dangerous trap, though, he could have reframed it. He could have accepted the hyperbole argument and then state that as you define his statement as an exaggeration of your position, then you'd be accepting a 'less exaggerated' version of his statement as your true position.

It seems that you didn't think he would be able to reframe the debate. My conclusion after reading it: you think he's completely stupid LOL


You summed it up quite nicely with your last sentence.


It’s rare to see someone else fall into a trap set for someone else. But here I am with two idiots for the price of one. Both too focused on the wrong thing to see what was actually said.

You two have fun in your ignorance 😘.


The whole storyline was just a cheap cash grab and publicity stunt. Yeah lets get sell up temporally with a cheap gimmick that will cause controversy. The fact that Disney was wants to adapted stupid sales gimmicks. Is not a good thing.


Its probably not a good idea take your kid to see this. Its probably going have some hard core lesbian sex.




Sorry to hear that. But does that have to be a comic book character?
Original (Northern mythology) Thor is plenty cool. Get the boy some books on Scandinavian mythology. There's plenty of "viking" toys and props on Ebay (armor, costumes, weapons, drinking horns - you name it), there're Viking reenactors all over the world. History could be his passion for life and it's a lot more interesting than 99% of comic books.


Good idea! However I have been trying to get him into history and mythology since he was very small, and he just prefers the comic books.


So now he has Thor and goddess Thor which is true to the comics , not sure what the issue is here.


Not quite. He has a fat bloated drunkard unworthy of the name Thor, and a woman who replaces Thor and shows what a putz he is.

My son, for some reason, only likes the movie versions. Whatever is happening in the comics is a non-issue for him.


No one is replacing Thor , goddess of thunder is a different character in the comics, they coexist, perhaps he should wait till the movie is made before jumping to conclusions.


