EWWWW Look at this!!!


I think it's gross, but we can't do anything about it now!


Actors? Doing a kissing scene? How dare they?!

Who IS this girl? www.skyesweetnam.com


I don't have a problem with actors kissing in a movie. I'm just grossed out by the age difference. If she was 18 or maybe even 17 I would really care! And I love Skye Sweetnam!!!!


yeah they're actors...but what peterpanschick15 meant was their age difference. selena's 16 while drew's 26.


Kirstin Dunst kissed Brad Pitt in Interview with A Vampire when she was only twelve. Bigger things have happened.

I saw a Spaceship once, at a football game. Told me I was gonna have a good year.


thats interesting i never knew that.

but then again thats why they call it acting.

I mean Its funny that people complain about this but they've showed naked kids in films for comedic value and i don't hear people omg pedofilia about that.



Lol I know you meant the age difference, I just made that reply because the age difference doesn't bother me as it's only acting, it's all professional. And great to meet another Skye Soldier .

Who IS this girl? www.skyesweetnam.com


Show me a picture with them French kissing and then ill object against it. as it seems its a harmless kiss. so this commotion is not really necessary. But i guess i can see how you've got a problem with it. just remember, that kiss may have granted her alot of money on her bank account :D



who cares? they're acting, and it's not the first time there's been an age difference like that.
my parents are eleven years apart, it's honestly no big deal


i aqree with rmuth13 on this one.
whats wronq with you people aqe
is just a number.its not like there
datinq or somethinq.your actinq
stupid over a simple kiss for a
movie thats qonna make billions
of dollars. WHO CARES. leave it
alone now okay.



i don't see the big deal...

and quebonita1015 your english teachers may have never told you this but... you don't spell wrong, age, dating, something, acting, or gonna. with a Q...


bytch thats jus how shes does it instead of usinq an actual g she wanna use q
did u really need to make a biq deal of it..... its jus a thinq nd if u don like it fck off


I agree with rmuth13. There acting. In the movie he probably plays a guy who is only a year or so older than her. It's a kiss, it's not like they are having sex. I think people need to realize that they are acting and stop being so immature.


why are u being so rude??? i dont care that they are actors i just think its gross for their age. geez cant someone understand that!!!???


Yeaa i can understand.
10 years is quite a big difference.. maybe when she's older like 25 and he's 35 or something it'd be ok - cos they'd both be adults... but c'mon... 16??? she's still a kid... and a lot of people's defense has been that because they're both actors it makes it ok... so what, it's wrong to kiss a guy who's 10 yrs older than you, but if it's on film... that's totally fine?

they really should have got someone younger to play the male-lead role.

"suicide line... please hold"


It's not "rude." You posted your opinion on here so I'm pretty sure you knew people would agree or disagree.

But anyways, I don't think it's gross at all. If they were not acting it may be a little weird but since they are, I see no problem with it.

They say not to judge a book by it's cover, but what part of a book do you see first?


okay they let Selena kiss Drew
but Disney won't let Demi Lovato kiss Joe Jonas?
And their age difference is only 3 years?

"Why be like everyone else when you're born to be extraordinary?




But when Joe and Demi's characters were singing in Final Jam they looked
really passionate, and Shane (Joe's character) wasn't a camp counselor
he was a camper just like everyone else.

"Why be like everyone else when you're born to be extraordinary?


Really guys, grow up.

Something like this shouldn't even be surprising in movie. Look up the actors in some of your favorite movies, I can almost bet that they have a significant age difference.

Hilary was 17 and and Chad was 23 when they did A Cinderella Story and yet no one was complain about it. Why? Because people have this little thing called 'knowledge' and they realize that they were actors.


"It took about 10 takes to get the kiss right"

and a lot of people's defense has been that because they're both actors it makes it ok... so what, it's wrong to kiss a guy who's 10 yrs older than you, but if it's on film... that's totally fine?
Yeah, I guess they wouldn't care if a 40 year old dude was kissing a 10 year old girl, if it was just for a movie.

Hilary was 17 and and Chad was 23 when they did A Cinderella Story and yet no one was complain about it.

17/23 compared to 16/26


Sorry can't tell whether you're being sarcastic or not when you say that people wouldn't care if it was a 40 yr old guy and a 10 yr old girl.

"suicide line... please hold"


OMG that has to be one of the most unromantic kissing scene i have ever seen! its called acting......im sure ive heard of it

Haters Make The World Go Round~


OMG the same thing happened with Hilary and Chad. Remember, everyone was saying how young she was and how old he was. But it was the simple fact that IT WAS JUST A MOVIE!!!!!! It's nothing serious. That's why they called it acting!

"Love me for me"- Miley Cyrus



I don't get the big deal about this. o.0 I mean maybe it's because my parents age difference is bigger than Selena and Drew's? I mean...it's not that gross. They kissed, GET OVER IT. It isn't the friggen end of the world because two people kissed and they were ten years apart.

Will Scarlett has stolen my heart.


if ur ganna bring up Camp Rock...then i think their going to kiss in
Camp Rock 2 i think their trying to do that High School musical thing where they want people to anticipate the kiss and want it for the next on so they can show it like they did in High school musical 2...so three years not such a big deal nor is any other year when it comes to acting.

{***~~{~***~~Haters Make The World Go Round~~***}~~***}
