EWWWW Look at this!!!


I think it's gross, but we can't do anything about it now!


I think that's a great picture of the two. Thanks for the link!


So they're 10 years apart, big deal! Get over it!

Isn't this about time that everyone should let people love whoever they want? And this was just in a movie for God's sake! I'd hate so see everyone's reactions when this happens in real life.

Reminds me of that time when people thought that a black guy kissing a white girl was gross, or when two guys kissing was the most disgusting thing they've ever seen.

Get over it!


The problem isn't that they are 10 years apart in real life, it is that they look 10 years apart in the movie. She looks too much like his little sister who just started high school, and he looks like a college student (or older). If that was supposed to be their ages in the script, then thats fine, but it wasn't. They were supposed to be similar ages and they did not look similar in age at all.


i dont remember this scene.... =/
what part was it during?!


cute pic
and dude they're acting, he's supposed to be just 2 years or so older than her on the movie
