I felt betrayed

I just don´t have words. I always loved the first Matrix movie (still do) because of its epicness, thought Reloaded was good and Revolutions disappointing. But this....this is a new level of bad. It´s beyond dreadful. It never felt like a Matrix movie. More like a parody of one. I really have no clue why it was made. The plot is way too forced and the characters are laughable. I understand that they couldn´t bring Hugo Weaving back for his role as Agent Smith but this Smith was a totally different one, he didn´t talk like him, he didn´t behave like him, no "Mr Anderson" but "Tom" (???). Too many auto-references to the previous Matrix movies, what for? I guess this movie can´t just be independent by itself. At the ending, it is strongly implied that there will be more movies, well, I won´t bother wasting my money on more cr*p like this. I felt betrayed. This is not Matrix at all. I give it 3 stars just for of the acting of Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss. Super-super-duper let down of a movie.


I just felt bored... after the disappointment of Revolutions and almost 2 decades since that one was released I wasn't really excited about this. Is your 3 star rating based on 5 or 10 stars? I gave it a 3/10.


3/10 same. Doesn´t deserve more than that.


Reloaded is my least favorite one, but I do enjoy the trilogy. I was extremely excited about this movie because of my enjoyment of the trilogy. I spent many hours watching and debating the trilogy and truly enjoyed it. It's got a great mythology and characters; Smith just gets more and more fascinating and entertaining as the series goes on.

I like all three and consider them all canon. I even re-watched some of the Animatrix in prep for this. I think the franchise has a solid mythology that goes beyond the movies. I do not consider this movie canon. You said it, felt like a parody. This movie felt and looked cheap. Like an imitation of the other 3. A knockoff. Both in its look and acting. It was all so amateurish. I wasn't necessarily against the ideas in this movie, but rather the execution. It was just so second rate.I guess I feel a little betrayed too.

You know what the really shitty part is? You won't ever be able to discuss the franchise anymore. All people will talk about is how bad this movie is. It happened with some of the sequels, but not at this level. This is how the world is now. You wanna discuss the story, characters, and mythology? You're fucked. Every conversation will be about how it's all ruined now.

I agree Smith's portrayal was simply off. I don't mind him changing over time. He's got to be at least 100 years old, hell it makes sense someone changes over time. But this just felt sooooooo off.It just doesn't work at all.


I agree. The plot was a clever way to get where they wanted to go, but they completely undermined the original trilogy by going there.


The execution is what bothered me most. Not the story and ideas, but how it unfolded. It was extremely anti-climactic and flat. There was nothing that was exciting or engaging. There was no wow factor or excitement. It was very matter of fact and fast. Oh hey, here's something that's supposed to be big and dramatic, but we're going to breeze over it with a quick and uninteresting fight. Even the music was anti-climactic. The whole thing felt like a TV movie, if not an outright spoof.


You know what the really shitty part is? You won't ever be able to discuss the franchise anymore. All people will talk about is how bad this movie is. It happened with some of the sequels, but not at this level. This is how the world is now. You wanna discuss the story, characters, and mythology? You're fucked. Every conversation will be about how it's all ruined now.

I really hope you are wrong here. Hopefully in 10, 20 years we can still talk about how great and mindblowing the first movie was for its time and talk about the sequels and pretend this movie never existed. The frightening part is, there will probably be more Matrix movies and it won´t get any better. I´ll do like you and simply just consider canon the first three movies and everything after that is just fanfiction.


Internet conversation has been dead for a while now. Conversation is few and far between, it's all just complaints now.


I completely agree, I don't consider this movie canon either. This movie apparently had a $190 million budget which is insane considering there wasn't a single "holy shit, that was awesome" Matrixesque moment in the entire film.

I doubt we'll see a fifth film considering the poor box office results and I'm kind of glad to be honest, I got enough closure to the story with Revolutions. Resurrections is a lazily made, member berries film. In fact it's so member berries it literally can't stop reminding the audience of the better films that came before.

This movie will go down in history as being laughably bad but ignore anyone that says it's all ruined now. I consider the Star Wars sequel trilogy not canon either because they character assassinated Luke Skywalker but I still want to talk about that fantastic original trilogy.

I have The Matrix trilogy on 4K blu-ray and watch it a couple of times a year. Some bad member berries fan fiction (a.k.a this film) isn't going to ruin that enjoyment for me.


I'm surprised at how amateur it looked and felt. The effects, acting, all of it. Christ, even the music was flat and lacked drama. It was like it was thrown together on a shoestring budget.

Star Wars conversation is dead too btw. You're not allowed to talk about those movies anymore. Go ahead and try it. You don't talk about plot and characters anymore, but how "ruined" it is now. Internet conversation is dead.


Keanu Reeves said they barely rehearsed scenes if at all.

You’d think when making another Matrix film you’d get Don Davis back to do the music as well.

For a $190 million I’m sure Warner Bros. execs must have been annoyed when they saw the finished film. You can’t see the money on the screen anywhere.

Neill Blomkamp made District 9 on a $30 million budget and it’s a great action movie.

Resurrections is just laughably bad, I still can’t believe it. Lana Wachowski said when the pandemic hit she was going to shelve the movie and not finish it until the actors convinced her otherwise. I wish they hadn’t.


It shows, LOL.


That pretty much sums up how I feel as well. I really enjoyed the trilogy, obviously the first movie is outstanding and the others have some major flaws, but overall, I'm a big fan of the series. This film is terrible on many levels, but I think the worst for me is the recasting of Smith and the constant flashbacks to the previous films. I think the story of the matrix within a matrix and the emphasis on Trinity was somewhat compelling, but the boardroom scene, the cat, all the flashbacks - just terrible. This film also lacks decent action and tension, I don't even think anyone died in it.

I think there are parts of the story that are clever and interesting such as different factions of machines which fought a war after Neo's death (I think I might like to see that movie actually) and now some machines are working with humans. How Neo and Trinity are reconstructed and alive and their tie to this new Matrix did work for me. Also them extracting a program out of the matrix to bring back Morpheus was unique. I thought the new Morpheus was actually one of the better parts of the film, but as with Smith, its an entirely different character so why not just make it someone different. Weaving as Smith imo is just irreplaceable as much as someone other than Keanu playing Neo, and Groff is a decent actor, but he doesn't touch the intensity of the former Smith character. This was the biggest disappointment in a long time for me and I think it's by far the worst entry in the films.


"That pretty much sums up how I feel as well. I really enjoyed the trilogy, obviously the first movie is outstanding and the others have some major flaws, but overall, I'm a big fan of the series. This film is terrible on many levels"

Same. This one just blows. Only thing I was interested was the civil war between machines. The rest was so 2nd rate and amateur.


I understand that they couldn´t bring Hugo Weaving back for his role as Agent Smith but this Smith was a totally different one, he didn´t talk like him, he didn´t behave like him, no "Mr Anderson" but "Tom" (???).

I actually didn't think the film was quite that bad (I was certainly expecting a whole lot worse), but yeah, I can't disagree there.

If they couldn't bring Weaving back, they could at least get someone who could do a proper impression of Smith's slimy smarminess, like the actor who played Bane in Reloaded and Revolutions.


I tried to fart but I shit my pants. *stumbles a little* mom! somebody pooped in my pants!
