MovieChat Forums > Marambal

Marambal (6)


I felt betrayed How would you rate episodes I to IX... Is anyone else more interested in Gus - Mike - Nacho - Salamancas story.... View all posts >


<blockquote>You know what the really shitty part is? You won't ever be able to discuss the franchise anymore. All people will talk about is how bad this movie is. It happened with some of the sequels, but not at this level. This is how the world is now. You wanna discuss the story, characters, and mythology? You're fucked. Every conversation will be about how it's all ruined now.</blockquote> I really hope you are wrong here. Hopefully in 10, 20 years we can still talk about how great and mindblowing the first movie was for its time and talk about the sequels and pretend this movie never existed. The frightening part is, there will probably be more Matrix movies and it won´t get any better. I´ll do like you and simply just consider canon the first three movies and everything after that is just fanfiction. 3/10 same. Doesn´t deserve more than that. He´s definitely stealing the show and I love it. View all replies >