MovieChat Forums > Lone Survivor (2014) Discussion > What would you have done if you were Mur...

What would you have done if you were Murphy?

Would you have let them go like he did? Would you have tied them up and let them rot in the forest? What about taking them with you?

Or would you have killed them?

Me personally i would've killed them. Taking them with me would be the 2nd closest option but i would be dragging ass if i took them with me and my crew.

Killing them and covering it up would suck but it's really the only ideal solution.


its simple, just hold them till contact with the base can be made, might have to drag them along further back to establish contact but its the best option.


its simple, just hold them till contact with the base can be made, might have to drag them along further back to establish contact but its the best option.


Well I guess you should have been there since its so simple. Lives could have been saved. Where the F^ck were you when they needed you dude? Damn!

You're taking a dump and they call GQ do you pinch it off or finish your business?


Why so much hostility? The thread is "what would you have done if you were murphy." Now you're acting all snarky because someone answered the question? Jeez.

Lighten up. It's supposed to be an interesting discussion. There's no point in the thread if nobody answers it, is there?


Is there any proof that they gave up their positions? They made a mention of how Taliban made it so fast up the hill. My guess is that they were spotted coming in and Taliban were already searching for them when herders showed up.

With that said, the only sane solution is to take them up the mountain.


The most important thing in that situation is think about your men. So this LT Murphy was a complete incompetent idiot.
Regardless in what manner, NEVER SHOULD HAVE LET THEM GO and compromise their situation.
Just incredible he got a posthumous Medal of Honor. Doesn't matter whether he gave his live to send the comm, he completely F. up and got his men and a rescue team killed.
BTW let his men "fight" over the decision what to do, shows his very weak leadership.


He was going to die anyways, might as well die the hero he is. If I was shot and knew I was going to die from my injuries, I would give my life to save others.

State champ in martial arts, trained with firearms, I eFF'n dare you!


So I am assuming the census is what they did was the wrong ideal


Knocked the adults out, keep the kid until extraction. See no harm to the kid.

҉™™™˜ There is magic in the movies ҉


I realize this is a purely armchair scenario here, but whatever, here's my thought.

Assuming that the people are like the ones in the movie, with the obvious hatred of the teenager for the Americans, the walkie-talkie for calling the Taliban, etc., I'd figure that just letting them go would be a bad idea.

The teenager is the most hostile and obviously also the most physically fit. I'd have my men tie up the old guy and the kid, and take the teenager along, hands tied. probably gagged to prevent him shouting. Since he's young and active, he can probably keep up with us on the way out.

If he can't keep up or you reach an extraction point, release him so he can go untie the kid and the old man.

Sure, the Taliban will notice they're missing eventually. But it's GOT to be a longer time than simply letting them go immediately.


The teenager is the most hostile and obviously also the most physically fit. I'd have my men tie up the old guy and the kid, and take the teenager along, hands tied. probably gagged to prevent him shouting. Since he's young and active, he can probably keep up with us on the way out.

For the 100th time where it is clearly written in the book they had absolutely nothing to tie up the goat shepherds with! They should have taken Paracord with them on EVERY mission but for some reason none of them had any on them! They had THREE options then: 1. Kill them on site 2. Frog-march them with a rifle to their back until they reach comms back to base or to an helo exfil site. 3. Let them go then high tail in out of there.

Hindsight sight is 20/20 however I don't think the SEALs realised that Shah had the balls to send 50-70 fighters to try track them down and take them down! Especially as they should have had AH-64 Apache helo gunship air support assigned to their mission!

If you are not willing to give up everything, you have already lost


you could take their shirts, rip them, make rope. tie their legs so they cant run, but can walk slow. or crawl. then go


However you fail to get the point. See just like the police in your locale, who can't just detain or arrest people without probable cause, members of the armed forces under international law can't just tie people up. Believe it or not the Saber Radio is a quite common thing, it doesn't by itself indicate 'Anti-Coalition' status. Goat herders in Astan do legitimately use radios. Detaining, taking prisoner, tying up or killing an elderly man and children is a sure fire way to literally be burned by your own country. Even if there was a legit reason to detain the goat herders, under the Geneva Conventions when you take prisoners you are responsible for their well-being. Tying someone up is functionally a detention, you have taken them prisoner. Leaving them restrained would be a violation of the Geneva Conventions regarding treatment of prisoners and also a violation of international law.

You are taking a dump and they call GQ do you pinch it off or finish your business?


i understand it is a problem and against the law but, it cost their lives. i mean, i get that tying them would bring a s--tstorm of international levels but... but they would still be here. i dont know, how far do you go to protect yourself?


That is a concern for a defeated power. You think the US is likely to be a defeated power anytime soon?


Since when do you have to be 'defeated' to lose? What quantifies winning or losing? You can win every battle, inflict 1000 times more casualties on the enemy than you incur, take 100 percent of the territory you want to control and still 'lose'. In an age of extreme self imposed political correctness, that issues I discussed are extremely real concerns. As we see in every day 24 hr news, just one leaked conversation can ruin a presidential candidate. The vex of a child killing by itself can and will set back a modern geopolitical military campaign.

You are taking a dump and they call GQ do you pinch it off or finish your business?


The point being that war crimes tribunal only matters if you are defeated. If you remain a viable power, it is not a issue.

Geneva conventions can hardly be enforced against the United States if the US refuse to consent to it being enforced. Who exactly is going to enforce it? The UN?


Even if there was a legit reason to detain the goat herders, under the Geneva Conventions when you take prisoners you are responsible for their well-being. Tying someone up is functionally a detention, you have taken them prisoner. Leaving them restrained would be a violation of the Geneva Conventions regarding treatment of prisoners and also a violation of international law.

You can't give me this *beep* about the US following the Geneva Conventions after 9/11. Bush and Cheney both came out and said the "gloves were coming off". Seeing as though we are fighting an enemy with no uniform how do we go about picking and choosing when somebody is an "enemy combatant" or a "unlawful combatant" that can be detained? Both of them approved to put it mildly Enhanced Interrogation Techniques for the CIA and DIA and implemented Extraordinary Rendition (aka Torture by proxy) to Black Sites in different countries around the World as well as including Bagram, Guantanamo Bay(Camp X-Ray), and Abu Ghraib ranging from:

"Methods used included beating, binding in contorted stress positions, hooding, subjection to deafening noise, sleep deprivation to the point of hallucination, deprivation of food, drink, and withholding medical care for wounds—as well as water boarding, walling, sexual humiliation, subjection to extreme heat or extreme cold, confinement in small coffin-like boxes, and repeated slapping".

Hey they probably saved American/Western lives and you got to locate Bin Laden however all's fair in love and war, you can't pick and choose when to apply the Geneva Convention especially how outdated it is now. Bush and Cheney took away the United States moral compass after 9/11 in chasing down terrorists at all costs. Now you are just as bad as Middle East and African countries with human rights violations by picking and choosing when to apply the Geneva Convention in combat. ROE can change in the middle of an Operation/Mission!

Even though in the book Luttrell says they had no rope or paracord even if they did want to tie them up so with 20/20 hindsight why not frog march them until you are able to re-establish comms, get an extraction time and location, then let them go 30 minutes before exfil and move on. Take a goat too back to base for dinner!

If you are not willing to give up everything, you have already lost
