Is Dakota beautiful?

What do you think?


She's nice but I'd rather be the filling in a Sydney Sweeney/Isabela Merced sandwich.


She is not ugly by any means, but I wouldn't call her beautiful either, she's attractive but no big deal, and to be more honest I doubt she would have become famous by her own merits, if she were a regular girl without a family with so many years of history in Hollywood and the contacts that came with that, she maybe would be working selling shoes because she is not a talented actress or stunning beautiful, she lacks in both departments.

Nepotism is the only explanation of why so bland girl get main acting roles in Hollywood


I agree


Honestly, I think she's very plain. I never thought Melanie Griffith was very attractive either 😕


She's like Taylor Swift in the sense that the fact that they're famous makes them attractive, do you know what I mean? You wouldn't turn around if you see them down the street.


plain jane in my state
