Horrible music

Although I understand the series were made for younger people with no taste.


So a team of talented creators presents us with a show that has incredible visuals, amazing characters and character development and top notch writing. A show which is lauded across the board as an achievement in animation, a rare gem.
And you choose to whine about two or three songs in the show that are displeasing to your ears. Still got some gorwing up to do?
I choose to ignore your ignorance.


I don’t believe the peace-loving OP has ever gored anyone.


I remember maybe three or four songs throughout the whole first season (two rock, one R 'n B and I think there was a rap song), all of which played for perhaps 30 seconds to a minute, unobtrusively. If that's the worst complaint the OP has then maybe it's a warped compliment.


They stick out like an iron spike in an eye. Especially considering how appropriate and good the music created for the show is.
But all that pop tunes shit is atrocious.


I agree, but not all of the music was bad. There were some decent picks for a couple hypnotic sequences that I quite enjoyed.

However, we're probably all biased by the intro theme. The Imagine Dragons song does not fit. At all.

I loved the visuals... reminiscent of American Gods and Doom Patrol, but the awful song choice made me skip the intro every time when I would otherwise watch and enjoy it.

The show was darker and grittier than some of the song choices, which ruined the immersion at times.


"The show was darker and grittier than some of the song choices, which ruined the immersion at times."



It was definitely an attempt to be "hip" and "video gamey" because it's based on a hip video game, but they should've just gone for broke with the dark subject matter. I think if this were an original show not based off a game, the general composition would've been much more cohesive.


Music is dreadful, Imagine Dragons is only good to make ears bleed and the out of place songs are terrible as well. The music almost undermines a good show.
It´s really shamefull that kids listen to this garbage constantly
