Painfully Slow

Don’t bother. Not awful. Just not good. Way too slow paced for no reason.


Yep a story that took 2 hours when you could have condensed it down to 30 minutes and still got absolutely everything in this turd done. Give me a slow shot when you have some good eye candy or something of interest to see... but this movie had slow shots of what was in essence paint drying.


I came here to make a post about this movie and had the subject line ready which was 'PAINFUL'.
But I see you beat me to it.
I love card movies but this is not one.
The black actress was horrible.
And Wilem Defoe - is it just me or is his acting getting WORSE? He peaked at PLATOON.
That last scene was the most painful to watch - even as I fwd'd. When he had a visitor at prison and they touched finger thru the glass. No point at all to it.
Glad it's over for me.
They should show it at Gitmo.


And Wilem Defoe - is it just me or is his acting getting WORSE? He peaked at PLATOON.

He was hilarious in The Lighthouse
