
The bigger themes of loyalty, friendship, and guilt have been all but erased from this film; its like someone cynically told Woo that Americans don't like thinking- just make a generic drug plot and call it a day

Even the action seems tame and like Woo directed it remotely from a couch in his living room

Think its pretty clear Emmanuel is a pretty face but not lead actress material in the least.

This was a waste


only a pretty face? what about her banging body during the church ending?


Worthington leaned a little too much into 'mycushla macree' but thought he otherwise made a good villain. Never saw him play a villain before. So, sort of a positive.


I can't get past Emmanuel's stupid, ridiculous hair in this tbh.


You are not the only one. Every time she was on screen I kept thinking her barber did her dirty.

To be fair her acting and especially her fighting and combat skills are even more laughable.
