MovieChat Forums > Sons of Anarchy (2008) Discussion > Is ANY character in this show not a tota...

Is ANY character in this show not a total scumbag?

As much as I've tried to follow the show (a hard core Shield fan), I just can't get behind any of them.

I mean, the closest one I kinda like is Clay, but that's because he's played by Ron Perlman, not because of the character itself. And Nero only because he's trying to go straight and actually doing it (unlike Jax who sings the same tune yet is not dancing it).

Everybody here is a non redeemable piece of crap whom would make the world a better place if they dropped dead:
- Jax: lost count of all the people he's killed directly (never mind indirectly like that school shooting and who knows what else from his gun running), and since he's also a bad husband and father, what's redeemable about him at all?
- Gemma: murderer, betrayed her husband and her son and grandchildren, etc.
- Clay: need to say?
- The whole gang: rapists, criminals, murderers, gun/drug runners, etc.
- Tara: chooses her cheating criminal husband over the welfare of her kids. She's no innocent.
- Unser: crooked cop, got what he deserved.

At least in The Shield, Mackey and his team did some good along with the bad.

This crew, WTF have they done that's any good to anyone but themselves?


Some are worse than others. Tara can't really see the gang for what they are but by and large she was not out there committing the types of crimes the others were. I am not sure the character would have gotten the screen time if the actress was not eye candy. As the others have said that (they are scumbags) is kind of the point of the show but the business did take a toll on the membership as by the final season quite a few had died or been killed. So there was a price to their actions over time. Kind of like Goodfellas where in real life nobody was left standing as Henry more or less had to hide from the NYC mafia.


The shows succeeds by pitting them (the outlaw bikers) against people far worse.


Wendy Case. Goes from rock bottom to great to bottom again to excellent condition. She'll be taking care of Abel and Thomas with Nero Padilla up at the country estate in NorCal, and I have no doubt we'll see all of them return in the SoA series that takes place after Mayan's MC completes in a number of years.



It showed how all people have a good side as well as a bad side and what happens when the bad side overpowers the good side.


Hale, the cop, wasnt a scumbag. Neither was the black cop from seasons 4 to 6, the guy from Prison Break. And Nero was amazing. He did some morally wrong things, but I think he was overall a good guy. He came into this shit show of a family and club and was the best father figure Jax ever had. Forgave Jax several times for betraying him. Killed some people but they were bad people.
