MovieChat Forums > Scream (2022) Discussion > Matthew Lillard gets no damn respect

Matthew Lillard gets no damn respect

Seriously, the one thing that could have redeemed this movie would have been for Stu to have survived and be the third killer pulling the strings. That would have tied back to the original plot of Scream 3 and would have worked perfectly with the revenge angle with the main character.

Billy Loomis gets all the attention, Stu is always an after thought. Even in this film, the opening scene, the girl doesn't know Stu's name. It would have worked great to have Stu come back.

The spend a bunch of money de-aging Skeet and Stu doesn't even get an after credits scene.

The killer in most of the scenes was huge. Not small and skinny like that Yoko look-a-like. It would have made sense for it to be another man. Missed opportunity


Mixed. Yes he always plays second fiddle. However, that was the case in the original as well. I guess that happens when you're not the mastermind. He's tertiary. The mastermind, Roman, told Billy to get a partner to sell out. That's what Stu was. And his motive was peer pressure. He was there to be a surprise of "omg two killers."

But, I felt he got due respect. He was the uncle of the first victim. And Sam's connection is through Billy being her dad, of course that's on her mind. And the finale took place at Stu's old house, like the original, which led to Amber's obsession. Also, he didn't have to suffer the indignity of digital de-aging, which still doesn't really look that great anywhere tbh.


I mean in relation to within the movie's universe. In this film it's shown how much he takes a back seat to Billy, and yet we get a ton of Easter eggs tied to Stu's character. It feels like a bunch of build up with no payoff. The ending was just another rehash, it needed something different and Stu would have tied it all together nicely.

Also, they really should have killed off one of the killers early. Put a wrench in the killer's plan and keep the audience on their feet. Switch it up. What we got was just the same old crazy copy cat killers at the end.


That is a really cool idea that we can hope a future entry uses.

Just please, no time travel.


Yeah I said the same thing.
They should have had Dewey get off one last fatal headshot to the killer before succumbing of his wounds.
Then we would have discovered the identity of one of the killers and the rest of the cast would be left wondering her motive and trying to discover if they indeed had a partner.
Then you could have the killings start up again leading into the 3rd act.
That would have had Dewey go out like a badass and changed up the formula.
As it was, the 3rd act was rushed and the killer reveal was lame.


Resurrecting Stu is the dumbest idea I’ve ever seen and would only serve to diminish the legacy of the original. Good lord.


You're in the minority there.


Stu Macher is dead. He was electrocuted and had glass from the TV screen smashed in his face. He was funny and all, but he is dead. The production agrees with me that bringing him to life is stupid. Kirby on the other hand, might be alive.


What would he be doing all this time? He would be in jail as his identity was revealed.


Exactly. These people wanting Stu to come back are really young new fans that watch too much TV Netflix horror.


No he is not.


there was this huge rumor that he was going to be one of the killers in this movie. Because we never see him actually died in the first scream, the tv fell of over his face but nothing more. He should appear with scars all over his face as one of te killers.


No he shouldn't reappear. But I agree with the others above having Dewey take out one of the killers midway through the movie to eventually die from his wounds. The movie can then focus on the motives of the dead killer, trying to link him or her to a potential second killer later on.


Nor does he deserve any. He’s annoying and trivial, which appeals to his target audience of jerkoff losers.


How do you suggest they explain where he's been this whole time?


Disagree. Yes he's an afterthought. Billy did more of the orchestrating and had an actual motive.

These movies don't have or need post-credits scenes, this isn't Marvel.

They already did the "third killer pulling the strings" bit with Roman. It felt tacked on and would feel the same way with Stu. And with each subsequent entry, it would feel all the more tacked on.

I think all the "Bring Stu back" stuff is lame. He seems pretty definitively dead.

To have him alive all this time wouldn't make sense, because the characters would have made reference to it if he was alive and in prison. The government isn't going to keep the fact that a murderer is alive for the sake of his privacy. And while his family's house was nice, I just don't feel like they'd have the resources to keep him alive and hidden and cared for at home, like he's in the Witness Protection Program when he was one of the killers.

The last option would be for them to go supernatural, which I really hope they never do.


agreed 100 percent. I think it's time to end the series, I was hoping this would be the last one, doesn't seem that way.
