MovieChat Forums > The Wrestler (2009) Discussion > What really happens at the end......

What really happens at the end......

Since this debate has come up again on another webpage I am going to explain what happened. Randy “The Ram” Robinson does not die in the literal sense, however his wrestling character dies. Randy could only function as “The Ram,” his daughter hated him, he was broke and the one woman he loved and loved him back he left for one more match that put his health in serious danger. So while he does live, he dies as all he lived for is now gone now that he cannot wrestle.

The match against the Ayatollah is his last match ever and once he leaves the ring his wrestling career will be over. He will no longer be Randy “The Ram” Robinson, but will be Randy who makes a meager living working some blue collar job living in a trailer park. He has nothing else good in his life, all that he lived for was wrestling and being “The Ram.” It is a very powerful metaphor. There were two Randy’s and the one that he liked more died and the one he hated lived.


someone asked what really happened at the end of The Wrestler on another website so you came here to imdb to explain? er sure okay makes sense


They were discussing the ending on BleacherReport. The IMDB is where people go to ask questions about movies and to find answers.


I disagree. I think he knew he was going to die and he wanted to die doing the only thing he loved and felt like a 'somebody'. I think that was the point, that his life wasn't worth living, so he wanted to die and be remembered for who he wanted to be remembered as. He very well could have survived, but we don't know since it ended abruptly. But the point is clear.


i agree that he died. it kinda had a black swan ending a la "dying doing what i do best"


To me, both suggestions posted here sound reasonable.


Missed head butt, sunset flip, 123. Ayatollah #1


I think the most likely scenario is that Ram died in the end.


Randy “The Ram” Robinson does not die in the literal sense, however his wrestling character dies.

I'd say it was the other way around. Robin died, but The Ram will live forever.

Can't stop the signal.


I agree with you, Mr. Preach.


Randy more or less commits suicide at the end of the film for willingly and knowingly going to wrestle. We see him praying in the locker room before the match and then when Bob is trying to tell him to pin him in the ring, Randy keeps going. He's lost everything, and simply cannot adjust to everyday life without wrestling or the fans. He'd rather die in the ring then go on living. We do not see him pass away, but everything leading up to that final Ram Jam off the top rope seems to allude to it.


I think you're right, the sound design hinted that he was experiencing the symptoms of a heart attack. I think when he looked and saw Marisa Tomei's character had gone he knew that was the last straw and there was nothing left. He had nothing outside the ring, so Robin couldn't survive, and he couldn't wrestle anymore, so Randy couldn't survive. That leaves just one thing left, to go out in a blaze of glory with his signature move.

I think if the stripper had stayed he would've just pinned his opponent, won the bout and got medical help. When he saw she had left it was a pivotal moment.


He probably died the same day after that match of heart failure, I mean within minutes after pinning Ayatollah after the jump from the top rope.

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


With the death there is also a resurrection.

Throughout his time in the ring, Randy endures a similar pain inflicted upon Christ as he carries the cross to Golgotha. The violence is a spectacle for the enjoyment of the onlookers. Reinforcing this idea, Cassidy makes reference to Gibson's Passion of the Christ.

Randy's last battle sees him on the top rope arms outstretched with a blinding halo light behind him. He has sacrificed his body for his art. Though his death is ambiguous, his graceful slow motion leap into the air symbolizes a new life.


When he fell below the screen line out of shot...

....he landed on Tony Soprano.


...and Walter White!


I'm pretty sure he died, the praying in the locker room before the match, the music matching his failing heart, his sweetheart leaving the ring, Randy just keeps on going and going when he could have already finished the match. He had lost everything.
This was the end of Randy Robinson, he went out with one final Ram Jam.
