I hate the daughter

Friggin twat. My dad wasn't always there in my life but I believe your parents deserve second chances as they grow older and realize the error of their ways, they don't always get it right the first time around. Some people have kids at stages in their life when they really weren't ready to. When someone makes a genuine effort to repair the relationship you should give them a chance, nobody is perfect. So he blew one dinner date, get over it, I'm sure he would have taken her out again. You only get one dad and one mom in your life.


everyone deals with things differently. She was obviously kind enough to give him a second chance cos she believed that he would stick to his word this time, but she wasn't aware that it really was a genuine mistake and he was really looking forward to the dinner but he made a careless mistake and shouldn't have gone out. Surely you can see why she exploded like that, because from her point of view, it was just her neglectful father not caring enough to remember an important dinner date. For all she knew, he was just doing what he does every other day of his miserable life so he would be expected to remember something this important. But she didnt know that alcohol and a big night out was to blame

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I get the feeling it was like his 150th chance over the years, not just what we see during the course of the movie. She made it very clear that he has been disappointing her for her entire life. Sorry, but some people don't deserve to be parents when it's convenient for them (he's lonely). Where was he all the years when he wasn't so lonely?


Um.. yeah I'm sorry but no, I don't feel like that daughter has any reason to behave the way she does. The whole teen angst thing is so overplayed in this. Yeah, her father may have messed up before, but he mentions in the movie after his heart attack that he hasn't spoken to her for years. This was them getting the second chance as father and daughter and he showed her that he can be a good guy.

But then one time he ends up not showing up and all of a sudden she has a good reason to hysterically cry and scream her stupid little face off? And what really annoyed me was that she even screamed out that she waited for him "for like an hour!!!!" OH NO! SHE WAITED FOR A WHOLE HOUR FOR HER FATHER! And then she went ahead and threw a stupid little tantrum.

I really hated the daughter. Her character needed to just slit her wrists.

And do you realize that her angry little tantrum directly caused Rourke's character to die? It was because of that when he realized he had nothing to live for, so he cut his thumb and quit his job, went to wrestle in that show when it was highly advised that he didn't, and then basically killed himself. Good job little girl, you being stood up one time was a great reason to basically kill your father.



Um.. yeah

You lose.

My name is Neil and I'm here to say
waka chicka po waka poo pbttht!


I am in the same situation she's in. My father is getting older and is lonely, and now wants to make me part of his life.. however, he still doesn't try very hard at it. He should have known it was a better idea not to go out at all, and make sure he was there. To me, I'd write it off too. By that point at that age, you are pretty indifferent to that person. I am the same with my dad. He's an alcoholic, and missing the one time is just another time he missed out on what he promised. Like another poster said- its not suppose to be about their time. You're the child, they're the parent. They need to act it.

As far as how upset she got, she was upset because she got her hopes way up. All of us girls want to be daddy's girl, especially because im guessing her mom might have passed away? We never hear about her mom. That plays an important role..

And its NOT her fault about anything that happened to him! So, if she asked him to her birthday and didnt show up and she slits her wrists and commits suicide, would you apply that to he is DIRECTLY at fault for her death? He never gave a rats ass about her before. He didnt give her what she needed, and thats how parenting works. Children are not suppose to supply the parents with the needs of the parents. He made his bed, now he has to lie in it. He tried to turn his life around, but not very hard, imho. He just gave up. Again, not her fault.

"I can't be let off the hook because I might just get the notion that it's ok to keep running"


Also, He went right back to taking her for granted once he felt like himself again. He went to the show, schmoozed with the younger wrestlers, had shots and he even picked up a floozy. In his mind, what could go wrong? "Daughter? What daughter? I still got it!"


Daughter? What daughter? I still got it!

Well, we all know that those weren't Randy's thoughts. But it sure must have seemed to Steph like that.

I didn't like the Godfather, so what?


Excuse me, but I kind of got the impression that this wasn't his 'second' chance, but probably more like his 15th chance. And he had blown it many times in the past, and she STILL gave him one more try. And he blew it again.

She has every right to kick his ass to the curb. He's never going to change...


This post is kind of common with IMDB as it's not about the movie, it's about the poster. It's like a rorscharch test where they show you an inkblot and they see what you're answer is. Clown sees a man whose a totally failure in his personal life, and has well past peaking in his professional life, destroy his chance to have a relationship with his daughter and his first reaction is she should get over it. I think is the time of person who has really bad breakups, with his ex girlfriends using him as an example of the biggest a##hole they've ever dated.

Randy walked out on his family. I'm guessing you didn't understand that, he abandoned his family. And I'm guessing his wife wasn't indepently wealthy. So all of a sudden Stephanie sees her father, an adult who is supposed to act like one, walk out on her. And now mom is scrambling to get a job and make ends meet, while still dealing with things like birthday partiers, cloth shopping, and school.

And he didn't make a 'genuine effort to repair the relationship". He felt lonely because he had noone in his life who really cared for him. The closest was the wrestling fans who enjoyed his matching, but nobody that cared for the real person. So he goes to his daughter and takes her out one time and make amends. Then the day he's supposed to met her for dinner he goes out, gets drunks, sleeps with a crazy woman who has a fireman fetish, and misses dinner with his daughter. It wasn't a one time thing, it was the latest in a lifetime of his failing his daughter, after she was willing to forgive him. She realized he hadn't really changed, he will always disappoint her. She was disposible to him. Sleeping with the chick, and one time one night stand, was more important then having dinner with his daughter.

Randy was pathetic. He's sympathetic because we see, on some level, he doesn't know any better. The character isn't evil, or malicious, just mentally stunted, and will keep screwing things up because that's all he's ever done.



She lost any sympathy from me when she started throwing things at him. You're not 12 years old anymore sweetie, Randy wasn't the only one that needed to act like an adult.

Carl: I stabbed him 37 times in the chest
Paul: Carrlll that KILLS people!


The thing is, Randy made a SIMPLE mistake.
The thing that pissed me off about what she did is her speech about, "Our relationship is broken, it's unfixable!" or something like that.

In a sense you can't really blame her since she's going through all these emotions and she may have understood if she had time to think it over.
But it really hurt Randy and, of course, he died because of it.

-#1 site for Dustin Hoffman fans-


"This post is kind of common with IMDB as it's not about the movie, it's about the poster."

This line is completely true. I wouldn't go so far in the rest of your assumptions, after all it could be a 17 year old kid, but I do feel it was made by someone either not emotionally mature, or someone who isn't good at interpreting story.

We're taught to sympathize with Randy to a large extent due to his catastrophic fall from grace....and like many protagonists all over tv and movies, we tend to root for them no matter what they do. Dexter Morgan and Walter White being two top examples.
Even though they're less than noble sometimes.

Now, the trend of males on the internet hating a large percentage of female drama characters can be worrisome, but I think an underrated chunk of that isn't necessarily sexism and it is the audience was taught to sympathize and root for this certain male character, and when that female doesn't share the same sympathies (and why would she) a lot of males, especially younger, take that the wrong way.

I personally didn't find the daughter annoying, cause I can imagine if I was a poor father then that would be the result. Not to mentioned this story could have been inspired in some part by real-life wrestler Jake the snake Roberts who had a similar situation with his daughter.


believe your parents deserve second chances
If you read between the lines, Randy was on far more than his second chance. It wasn't 'one blown dinner date'. Randy might have been at heart a decent guy, but he was a deadbeat dad. Every single birthday he missed, recital or school play he wasn't there for, every time she needed a dad and he wasn't around; all of those things are stored away and fester for a little girl. Her attitude towards her dad in entirely jusitfiable.

Yes, the daughter came across as bitter, vindictive and nasty. There's a reason for that. I wouldn't want any part of him either if I were her. There's only so many times you can kick a dog before it bites.

The day the last liberal dies, hopefully an agonizing ordeal, will be a great day! - Jag001



I agree I hated the daughter too... maybe because I have a bleeding heart, but I just felt the fact that he even came to her house right after he realized he slept through it showed he really cared... I mean he was making strides... she knows he's a deadbeat... she should expect him to be a bit flakey... at this point she should be able to realize he never is going to be father of the year, but he is probably going to die soon and you don't have to have a terrific relationship... but you don't have to tell him "I never want to see you again, I hate you, and throwing things at him for standing you up at Applebees. Again I feel I would be disappointed... I would be sad... I would be angry too... but that blowup was unnecessary.... Ever think about maybe talking to him... figuring out why he is so screwed up and trying to help him? I know it's not fair... kids shouldn't take care of their parents... but when you're well and someone you know is sick.... sometimes you can reverse the roles and go out on a limb to help them.


at this point she should be able to realize he never is going to be father of the year

Do you have to be father of the year to keep an appointment with your daughter, just after you've told her that you'll be there for her for the umpteenth time in her life and failed to fulfil that promise? She might have been spiteful, vengeful, harsh, and maybe she could have handled things better, but I can totally understand her anger towards Randy and won't condemn her at all for her outburst. Sorry, but all condemnation is in Randy's camp; yes, all of it. If his daughter was as important to him as he told her, he'd not have missed the date for anything, let alone a quick bunk-up with some random woman he met at a bar. Anyway, who's to say that in a few days, she might have relented? We all say things that can be harsh at the spur of the moment, when our emotions are at breaking point, but mellow out over time. Who's to say she's any different? Or are you expecting daughter of the year? Nah, the daughter has my understanding, even if I do have some sympathy for Randy's character.


Randy made a simple mistake, it wasn't like he meant to but I have to say that by the end of the film, he had nothing to live for in his eyes. He didn't have anyone anymore that he loved, they were all gone. That makes the movie even more sad when you see Randy in tears on the top rope. Man, that's sad. I would've loved to have seen the look on his daughter's face when she found out about his death though.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


Randy made a simple mistake

Again and again and again and again and again... Wash, rinse and repeat.

He didn't have anyone anymore that he loved, they were all gone.

Yeah, all casualties of Randy's dreams and failures. No one to blame but himself for such losses.

He's a sympathetic character, and I felt for him, but he was his own worst enemy, not the daughter.


Can't blame the daughter wanted not to see her father ever again. She got her hopes up, thinking her father has become a changed man. But once again, he ended up disappointing her. Instead of staying at home and remembering to have dinner with his daughter, he went out drinking the night before, doing cocaine and screwing some slut. He has no one to blame but himself.


She doesn't like men. And judging from her father, that's why she's lesbian.

Miguel Prado does NOT like gusanos!


There's merit to this, though it's not entirely clear if she really is lesbian; Randy assumes it is because (the) two women are living together as roommates in a house, both seem pretty earthy, and the roommate is way too emotionally involved and angered by Randy to simply be 'just a roommate'. The amount of rejection and hurt the fragile girl-turned-young woman amassed over the years would certainly add to the idea of learned behavior and attitude, along with that of genetics, in sexual orientation.


A person doesn't "become" a lesbian dumbass. You obviously don't know any lesbians because I've NEVER known one who hated men.

Plus we have no proof Stephanie was one.

Joseph Chastainme


You see this is not true. Did you not watch the end of the movie??? Marisa Tormei came running after him to tell him that she is there for him and he turned his back on her and her love for him, in order to go out and wrestle.

