I hate the daughter

Friggin twat. My dad wasn't always there in my life but I believe your parents deserve second chances as they grow older and realize the error of their ways, they don't always get it right the first time around. Some people have kids at stages in their life when they really weren't ready to. When someone makes a genuine effort to repair the relationship you should give them a chance, nobody is perfect. So he blew one dinner date, get over it, I'm sure he would have taken her out again. You only get one dad and one mom in your life.


to be fair, her reaction was valid. i mean, he did *beep* some skank and snort coke.


She gave him more than one second chance, and he blew it right when he needed to prove he'd be a reliable figure in her life and not continue to hurt her. It was the straw that broke the camels back. Just because you don't get it, doesn't make her the twat. She did what she felt she had to do for the sake of her own sanity. End of story.



I agree she overreacted but I don't hate her.

She made a decision in an emotional state. If The Ram survived the match (open to interpretation but I think he died in the ring or shortly after the match) she may have reconsidered and given him a third chance.

But yes she did overreact. He stood her up for dinner. Is that worth terminating her relationship with her father and telling him she never wanted any contact from him ever again?

She might have given him another chance had he survived.


Getting into the ring sort of was his third chance, no? He knew that he would probably die if he kept wrestling, permanently abandoning his own life along with his family, his friends, and his fans, and he chose to do it anyway.

But like many posters have already said, this wasn't his 2nd or 3rd chance--it was a lifelong string of failures as a father. People calling this a "simple mistake" clearly have no idea how complex a relationship like this is. Lucky for them.


Drinking, drugs, and women were a part of Randy's past lifestyle, and he wanted so badly to have that glimpse of happiness again, that briefly living in that moment was more important to him at the time. Unfortunately, it cost him another chance with his little girl.
