
I tried my best to watch the first "Vikings" series, but had to give up after a few episodes each time, as the terrible historical inacuracies hit me. Even trying to imagine it as a fantasy show didnt help, as you are being hit over the head with familiar names, titles and places from history.

Having found this sequel series on Netflix I thought maybe things were a bit better now. Years later, with Vikings being a huge success and all. But no. Not only historical inaccuracies. More like they are just taking a huge dump on the history of the era.

One thing is the wokeness with female fighters everywhere, or a female coloured "Jarl" named "Haakon", which is like having Denzel Washington play the role of a Lady in Victorian England, but why do they need to mess up names of places or areas? Kattegat is not Norway, and never was. Its the name of a strait between Denmark and Sweden. And Danelaw was never a village or town. It was a big chunk of England ruled by danes for a long time.

Being norwegian and a history buff especially interested in the Viking age this series just offends me deeply. And I sincerely hope no one believes this is even close to portraying anything realistic from this period in history.


It's called "fiction" for a reason.



You must be fun to hang with all this nitpicking and not knowing how to ENJOY ENTERTAINMENT


He has a point. There is no attempt at realism whatsoever. Real people and real history is twisted and distorted. And plenty of people like you gobble it up and despise anyone who points out the problem.

