MovieChat Forums > Låt den rätte komma in (2008) Discussion > After seeing both versions: I felt that ...

After seeing both versions: I felt that Let Me In is much better

Having seen the two versions, I was substantially more enthralled by Let Me In.

I found the way Let Me In was shot to be far superior. The golden tone coupled with the close up shots created a dream like atmosphere and symbolized the warmth Owen and Abby felt towards each other.

I found the soundtrack of Let Me In to be much better than the one in LTROI. Particular standouts include "Neighbours of Love" and "Peeping Owen". I do like the use of scores in movies though so I understand people who think it's a little overbearing at times.

I thought the cast of Let Me In (especially Chloe Grace Moretz and Richard Jenkins) was much better than LTROI. Richard Jenkins has such soulful eyes and showed a vulnerability in a seemingly evil character.

I definitely agree that Let Me In borrowed some things from the original, but it took those good parts from LTROI and was able to create a way better film.

I honestly find it hard to watch Let the Right One In after seeing Let Me In :)

***Some additional things I loved about Let Me In:

One thing Harpo mentioned that I vehemently agree with is the appreciation of the amber tone in the night scenes. I loved how when Owen was at school the scenes were white and grey but when he saw Abby in the jungle gym it was under a golden light. The heart of the story is their relationship so the golden glow when they meet each other at night really symbolizes the warmth they feel between each other.

I also enjoyed the scene where they're in the candy shop and Time (Clock of the Heart) was playing in the background, it added a nice old school americana element to the scene.

The second intro, where Owen is looking at his neighbours through his telescope while wearing his mask was amazing. You're immediately curious as to what is wrong with him (after hearing the "hey little girl" dialogue). The golden lighting coupled with the close up shots create a dream like atmosphere that completely drew me in.

I also loved how foreboding the bullies' score was. After the scene where Owen i crying (due to Abby leaving), I was expecting the film to just fade out, but when the


I preferred LTROI, I just enjoyed the film more and thought it was much creepier and had a better atmosphere.



This is so obviously a troll attempt


Maybe not. A lot of thought went into it. Anyway, not too many of us on an LTROI board are that interested in LMI. Especially one such as I who will almost certainly never see LMI.


I recommend watching it, if only to get a better grasp of how the original is superior in every conceivable way.

"All these squares make a circle."


I thought the cast of Let Me In (especially Chloe Grace Moretz

This is where you lost me. Well, the whole premise of your post lost me because I believe the opposite, but I just don't rate Moretz. For me she is a mediocre actress and only stands out because people see her as some sort of empowerment for the feminists. I find her grating at best.

"All these squares make a circle."
