a review

You get to see a morbidly obese man's testicles, a fat man's penis, two morbidly obese men and a fat dwarf in underpants only, plus vomiting and poop. There are interactions with various animals. Most of this might appeal to teenagers, if they are old enough to get in. They really could not show this on TV, not even cable.

The best parts were pranks that involved people who were not part of the large cast, or pranks where the cast members had no idea what was going to happen.

In early 2020, before the pandemic closed theaters, almost every set of previews at theaters included Jackass Forever and the musical, In the Heights. So they really held this "final" Jackass a long time. Most of the audience did not laugh at anything. Some die-hard fans in the back laughed at a number of things. But it will probably be #1 at the North American box office this weekend.


Moonfall and Death OT Nile are way more popular on Imdb. Can't wait to see the Metascore.


Jackass will outgross both of them domestically.


It sounds like you weren't a fan of Jackass to begin with so why even watch this?


No, I wasn't a fan, but I had nothing against it. The show and movies remind me somewhat of Fear Factor, the TV reality show that Joe Rogan hosted.

I saw something else at a multiplex, so I missed the beginning of this Jackass. I saw the previews so many times that I wanted to see what happened with the bear. The bear had a chain on him, so I wondered if the prank was that he couldn't get to the man tied to a chair. I'm not going to spoil that.


I see. I feel like before seeing this people should at least watch the first movie or a few episodes of the show to see if it's their thing or not.
